Ecology Blog
Just a thought: Quiet guys w/ great smiles can just knock you straight over. I've been noticing this lately. I'ven never been one of those girls who really likes shy guys, but I'm thinkin' I do like those quiet ones--sort of silent but deadly...they crack a half smile and you feel like the sun just got a little brighter. Crazy.
Yeah, so my accounting exam was yesterday. Before the exam Dustin and I went to the Parthenon on State for dinner for gyros, which were awesome. If we do well on the exam, we’ll have to make it a tradition or something. Maybe try somewhere else next time.
While we were at dinner we had an interesting conversation that I’ll comment on briefly here. Okay, so we talked about flirting…how obvious it is to other girls when girls flirt, how clueless guys are, and how guys flirt. We couldn’t really figure out how guys flirt. Which would make me want to say it’s more subtle than we give them credit for, but somehow I don’t think that’s it. Anyway, that wasn’t the interesting thing. We started talking about how we rank ourselves and other people. Like, at first I said that I rank other ppl but don’t put myself on that scale (the more arrogant was of saying that would be that I put myself way above, hehe…which I figured out isn’t true). Then we started talking about ppl who we feel like we’re wasting their time when we talk to them versus those that you almost feel like you’re doing a favor by talking to them. Arrogant, I know, but true. So what makes us snap judge those ppl who we feel are better than us as “better than us”? B/c it’s relatively automatic, I think. I don’t know…but it sucks. Because sometimes it’s the ppl you’d like to get to know the most that you’re the least confident to approach (and I’m not just talking about guys). Okay, I really should be listening in lecture right now.
Sina—if you’re reading this, I keep trying to call you, but it’s never at the right time (I started to call you once and realized it was probably about 3 am there…oops). Hopefully, I’ll be more successful this weekend!