Cowboy, baby...Ridin' at night, 'cause we sleep all day...Cowboy, baby
Well, I'm exhausted but I'm finally back home where I can curl up and hibernate (sp?) for about two days. Mexico was rewarding and fun but draining...I never realized how disorienting it is when you get out of the habit of knowing what time it is and what day it is b/c someone is always telling you where to be and you're always in a big group...I got back home and I couldn't figure out what day it was. My system is all thown off b/c of stress and that whole time change thing and it's rather bizarre.
Madison was...exciting and stressful...I can't wait to go, though. Met the cutest guy and we kind of hung out a little...he's staying in my dorm, also a Business major, looks like that guy from Bring It On, is from Wisconsin, is kinda shyly cute, and signed up for the roundtable time I took so we'd know each other already. Anyway, I won't let myself get worked up over some guy.
My fall schedule of classes is:
Principles of Biological Anthropology (can I get an Amen for science classes that don't involve labs?!)
Critical Thinking and Expression (yeah! writing essays about why I'm right!)
Criminal Justice in America (thinking about getting a minor in Criminal Justice)
Third Semester Spanish (with a business emphasis)
Principles of Officership (my one credit filler coarse that makes me smile just thinking about it!)
I'm psyched b/c I got my AP scores and overall I'm going into college w/:
5 cr. Math 221 (Calc 1)
5 cr. Math 222 (Calc 2)
6 cr. Hirosty 119/120
3 cr. literature elementary electives
3 cr. political science electives
4 cr. Political Science 106
6 cr. History 101 and 102
3 cr. social sciences electives
Oh yeah, and 4 credits of Spanish from my placement test at Madison and 8 retroactive spanish credits if I get a B at least in my Spanish class.
Oh yeah, that makes me a sophomore!
Later all, Katie