I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Friday, August 08, 2003

"I've never heard of punchy...you're just weird."-Kelsey

Yeah, so Kelsey and I are sitting here raging at the computer, but mainly our old email provider which has way way way way way too many pop up adds and all kinds of other stupid stuff. (Okay, Kels isn't really raging, she's more like...you know...laughing at me while I rage.) Kelsey is having deep internal conflict. She's pacing the room saying, "I want to go to bed. I don't want to go to bed. I want to go to bed. I don't want to go to bed. I want to go to bed." Serious dilemma, right? Anyway, I'm a little loopy due to a combination of lack of sleep, elation over Sarah's impending visit...hold on, Kelsey just stuck a pencil in the paper shredder...,anyway, where was I? Ah yes, my wonderful state of...loopiness...aided by several cans of Pepsi and really loud music playing inside my head.

Sisters are a wonderful thing. I mean, who else can you sit around with late at night and say things like..."There's like a hole in my toe nail. I think a bug drilled through there." -Kelsey Moss, or..."I'm drooling again." -Kelsey Moss, or..."Mom came in this afternoon and I was napping and she said,'Are you faking it, or are you sleeping?' and I went, 'Nope, I was really asleep. Look, I was drooling.' And there was this big pool of drool. Not like a little drippy, like a ton." - Kelsey Moss, or..."Did you know a regular staple is bigger than the staple from a staple gun?"-Kels, or have a conversation like,
Katie: I have to say something funny now.
Kelsey: But you're not funny.
Katie: I'm not, am I?
Kelsey: No...you're just boring.
Katie: No I'm not!
Kelsey:Umm...yeah, ya are.
Katie: I'm not talking to you now.

Yeah, so that whole paragraph didn't make much sense and I'm not predicting that this one will make a whole lot more so if you couldn't stand the first one, get out while you still can. Anyway, yeah, so that Sprite Remix commercial they play before the movies at AMC is really really really bad and Kelsey is doing a really really really bad immitation of that guy who is all gross and keeps sticking his mucusy(sp? is that word?) tongue out...gross. So congrats to Paul on cool stuff happening w/ him and business stuff...Kels says, "Congrats to Paul on riding that Red Bull all the way to the finish line...I could be DJ..." Then, this is the best part, she says, "why are you writing everything I say?" and I'm like, "because it makes me look so much less insane!"

Okay, we'll stop boring, or bloging (hehe, haha), you to death now.

G'night all, Katie with guest star Kelsey

"blog...bee-log...doesn't rhyme with fog, we guess..."

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Two For The Price Of One

Okay, I'm going to write about two completely different and not at all related topics today, so bear with me.

I went to a funeral last night. It's only the second of third one I've ever been to before and the first one where the person who'd passed away wasn't a member of my family. Maybe that made me more objective or something, but the whole experience just struck me as surreal. I was picturing ppl dressed in black, being very quiet and somber and respectful, a pastor speaking a few words, lots of moving stories about how much we'll miss the man who passed away, and lots of crying relatives. This particular funeral was a celebration service of the life of the man who passed away, but I don't think that accounts for the difference in my expectation and the reality. Okay, so what was the reality? People were dressed conservatively, but not necessarily in dark colors. I didn't see any red, but most other colors were represented. I thought everyone would be quiet and subdued and share a kind of quiet togetherness, brought closer to one another whether you actually knew the ppl around you or not because you would be together in your grief. Not so at all. It was, frankly, awkward and ppl's behavior ranged from the quiet, to the loud, but was for the most part normal. I couldn't decide how I felt about that. We were all here, feeling a bit awkward, in the way that large groups always seem to feel awkward when they're sharing various levels of the same emotion. No one seems to want to deal with the grief of others, so we're all carefully shallow in our interactions. That's bizarre and it felt very, very wrong. Then the pastor spoke about how we didn't get enough time with the deceased, how he was taken away too soon. I think he was trying to deal with the issue because the family was probably thinking that very thing, but it just felt like he was rubbing it in that this life was ended before it should have been. That felt wrong. That a man died and we spent an awkward hour commenmorating his death and then returned to the normality of everyday existance astounds me. The other thing that struck me was the eerie similarity between the ceremonies surrounding the major events in our lives. Baptisms, weddings, funerals...all share a lot of the same rituals and it freaked me out frankly.

Okay, on to happier musings. I spent three hours writing this morning. I had to take my bro and his friend to soccer practice at nine and pick them up at noon, so in the interim I went to a coffeehouse and sat outside in the shade and wrote. It felt wonderful and I got a tone done. I could be lazy the rest of the day and it would still feel like I've moved forward and accomplished something, although I'm not planning on being lazy (I've gotta work later, blah). Just wanted to share my elation.

Wishing you trials to make you stronger, love to make you sweeter, and time to experience both, -Katie

"When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open and love steps forth to heal everything in sight." - Michael Bridge

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Irrational Fears

Okay, I've started writing my second novel (the first one I started, I never finished because I just lost touch w/ the plot and characters and stuff). So far, I've written enough to fill up one legal pad. Yeah, you read that right, I've been writing the entire thing out longhand. There are no files whatsoever concerning this novel on my computer. Okay, bid deal, who cares, right?

Wrong! When I started my first novel I did everything on the computer, from character sketches, to plotting, to the actual writing. I think that when I write on the computer, I am too serious, so I'm less creative. Also, I have this compulsive urge to edit as I write when I'm on the computer because that's how I write essays and homework and stuff, but it's much better, creatively, for me not to edit when I'm writing the first draft.

Okay, here's my dilemma. I just finished my first legal pad of stuff, and it's getting to the point where all the plotting and scenes and character sketches are too extensive for me to know exactly where everything is. I don't write scenes in sequence, just whatever strikes me and then patch it together later, so this is a problem because I forget things that should be strings or ideas for later scenes that I've jotted in the margins or whatever. So, I'm about to start putting all this stuff into my computer so that theoretically it'll be more organized. I'm terrified because I think that I just about organized and computerized the life out of my first start.

Whew! I feel much better for having vented...if you have a suggestion/thought/rational idea about this or some other aspect of the creative process, feel free to email me at kmoss@email.com.

Paranoid as usual, -Katie

Being That Person

I want to be that person. The one who doesn't talk about doing things, they do them. The one who doesn't let anything stand in the way of what they want, doesn't rationalize their inaction, doesn't decide not to start something just because there is a chance they won't succeed. I want to be one of those people who moves forward instead of moving in place. Who climbs mountains instead of going around them, who thinks big and dreams bigger, who burns their candle at both ends.

My goals for the next week are to 1)finish working on my website (visit me at Katie's Homepage to see my under construction site), 2)write at least fifteen more pages on my novel, and 3)learn to do something cool that I didn't know how to do before.

Quote for the day: " Never let anyone tell you your own limitations. If you want something, go and get it; the only person who can stop you is yourself." - James Freidman

Love ya'll and God Bless, -Katie

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Technology Amazes Me, Confuses Me, and Dazes Me

Okay, I'm experimenting w/ this different way to post, supposedly faster, so disregard this rambling bit of nothing...k? Good, glad we're on the same page. Anyway, one of my best friends is coming up this weekend and I absolutely cannot wait for her to get here! We'll have an amazing time, even though she can only stay for a day and a half or so.


What is it about being on vacation that allows us to truly relax? Why is it that doing absolutely nothing while on vacation is healthy but doing absolutely nothing while at home is slovenly? Is it the change of location...the fact that we're literally x miles from all of our responsibilities that allows us to really forget all of our deadlines and worries for that short period of time?

Something to think about, I guess.

I, however, just got back from vacation and frankly all that reading, swimming, riding go-karts, screaming on rollercoasters, sleeping, and relaxing wore me out so I'm going to bed early tonight.
Goodnight all, Katie

"If you learn one thing in life, let it be to how to cherish. Cherish this moment, this day, yourself, the ones you love, and the things you can do because you will not always have this moment, or this day, or the ones you love, or be able to do the things you can do today."