I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Friday, May 27, 2005

First Post From The Ranch

I have to go get started on dishes pretty soon here so I'm going to just post an exerpt from an email I sent to my parents just now. If "ya'll" haven't heard, I can't access my wiscmail out here so you should send me email to compulsivwriter6@airpost.net.

I'm finally getting on the internet--our server fills up fast so it'snot in service when there's a lot of ppl in the area on. Today was crazyfun--Friday and Aaron decided to give us a half day b/c we've beengetting so much done all week and it's the beggining of the first (andmaybe only) long weekend (and by long I mean longer than 1 day) of the summer. I got my own crew today, which was kind of cool. Aaron justcomes out of his office w/ the little papers w/ the groups listed onthem and the jobs written on them and starts handing them out to the guys who always lead the teams--Andy (full time fishing guide who liveshere w/ his wife Sarah year round--this is his 4th summer and he'sreally cool [not "real cool"]), Dave (Andy's best friend--first summerhere, but he just graduated w/ a construction/architecture/all aroundsuperman degree so he's amazing at everything), and Damon (the headwrangler / foreman--basically Aaron's 2nd in command--he's an amazingleader)...and Katie Moss! Oh yeah, that's me.

When we got off work at noon, I ate w/ Brady (cute wrangler--he's really sweet) Jen (other wrangler) and Dave. It was burgers, fries, churros (youknow those fried dough things covered w/ cinammon sugar), and sweet tea.Yummy.

Then some of the girls and I (Beth, Pam, Sarah, and Kate) went into Creede to San Juan Sports and I bought my Carharts ($16.50 baby--they were on sale for 30 and then they rang up wrong and the girl was like"whatever") and a Camelbak (we're going to hike to Table Rock tomorrow--five or six hours altogether and then camp on the Pallisades (cliffs) on Sunday night)--all for the low low price of $60--which is amazing!

Tonight is our first barn dance--we invited the two nearest ranches to ours so that should be fun. We went and set up the stereo system in the"new barn" (b/c it's only 5 years old) in the loft--Christmas lights, an amazing stereo w/ 5 speakers we put around the barn, and hay bales with 2x10s spread between them as benches around the sides. It's going to be a blast. Damon and Brady (who are Brothers and grew up on their ranch inWyoming and are allegedly amazing dancers) are going to give a little lesson right before nine. I have dish duty tonight after dinner w/ Liz (another housekeeper who seems really cool--she's 22...she was on my crew today and she didn't drag her heels) so we're going to try to get out of there quick.

I like it here. It's not as commercial as the Lane Guest Ranch--I think you'd get a better flavor of the "Western attitude"--I love it.It's so funny--they think I talk really fast and am a really hard worker--I think it's just that I don't have that deceptive relaxed appearance that everyone else seems to have--they manage to get tons done w/o seeming to rush. It's very deliberate.

Love "ya'll"