I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Something Weird...brought to you direct from those Moss girls in MN

My toenails are hurting again...that's the beginning of this funny/weird post brought to you on this spectacular evening my Kels (my sister) and I...to understand why that's so funny, you'll have to check out our last weird/funny blog at http://compulsivwriter6.blogspot.com/2003/08/ive-never-heard-of-punchyyoure-just.html

Onward through the fog...

Katie: Kels, don't let me eat anything else tonight.
Kels: What are you eating now? (she turns around) Oh, a breadstick.
Katie: Yeah, and then I'm going to brush my teeth and then you're not supposed to let me eat anything else.
An hour later...
Katie: You're a bad sister.
Kels: What?
Katie: You weren't watching me closely enough...I ate another breadstick.
Kels: Well, you were just too quick. I took the cooking oil upstairs to the bathroom (don't ask...it's not as weird as it sounds) and when I got back you were like done w/ it.
Kels: I can't believe you just nodded your head the whole time you typed that. (on IM)
Katie: What?
Kels: You were nodding, like this (demonstrates nodding in agreement)
Katie: Well I agreed w/ what I was writing.
Kels: You were like that counselor you had in sixth grade (another long story).
Kels: Did you steal my phone?
Katie: What? No. (suddenly Kels comes up behind me and is trying to feel in my pockets)...hey! knock it off, what're you doing?
Kels: Oh wait, it's here in my left pocket...it's usually in the right one.
Okay, that wasn't as funny as it was in real life...like she checks my pockets before all of hers...anyway, and then I won the lottery.
More hilarity insued, but now our friends are here and we're off to roll around on the floor laughing w/ them!

So I'm home and I was trying to distract me brother Alexey (he's six) from being mad at me for stealing the computer from him and I said, "Are you going to Drew's band concert tonight?"

He just gave me this "yeah-'cause-I'd-fall-for-that" look and said, "Why are you asking me that, anyway?" and stalked off.


Friday, March 18, 2005

Bye, I think

Judging people before you know them. Not a good idea. Too common. Blogs contribute to this I think.

Anyway, I've just been reading some of my previous blogs and I think I sound like Katie on speed and hormone treatments...and frankly I didn't form a very flattering or accurate picture of myself from what I read...and that's not what I want other people reading...I think I realized that some of the crap that comes into your head should stay there...on that note, I probably won't be blogging for a while...at least not my long diatribe blogs...maybe just updates on life in general (e.g.--I'm going to England in the fall. I broke my leg! etc.).
Yeah, so...the end for a while at least.

Sleep is overrated. Cold medicine is wonnnnnderful. Coffee shops are great. Hobsbawm would be my future husband but I refuse to be Katie Hobsbawm...that's just unfortunate. I love it when things that aren't technically funny are really really funny--case in point...shades...hillarious right now...I'd blame it on the cold medications but it's equally as likely to just be my rando mood. Spring Break is going to be...interesting. I'm going to get a ton done and kick but when I get back to school. Might as well get it all done when you're snowed in (yeah, you read that right--we've got like 5 inches of snow here in MN) and have time to play and forget about it all when it's nice out and I'm back in Mad City w/ all my fun people! Miss ya'll.

Some Trisha Yearwood Lyrics to Brighten this Dreary Day

I don't fall in love so easy
I don't even know where to start
I don't fall in love so easy
I don't understand my own heart

It's so hard to drop my guard
I don't know how to just let go
And what else can I do?

I don't fall in love so easy
But I'm fallin' in love w/ you

Pam Tillis, I Was Blown Away Lyrics--Good Song

Selected Lyrics:

You drove up in your pickup truck
That hot September day
Not a wisp of wind in the parking lot
But honey I was blown away

I'm talking 'bout smithereens
Just you in a pair of jeans
Now I know what crazy means

Then one Tuesday night Daddy said
"Some guy's on the porch with a big bouquet"
You stood there with your slicked-back hair
And honey, I was blown away

New Icon

My new IM icon is a picture of moss. Get it, Moss? Funny funny right. Credit to Ben Stern w/ that one. I crack myself up.

So I have this program that automatically downloads a new quote and wallpaper for my computer every day. Usually they're okay...today was both good and timely. Anyway, if you're interested (and I can't believe I'm advertising for them here), the website is www.paperquote.com and it's free.

Victory is not won in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later win a little more. — Louis L'Amour

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Attributed to Adrienne Cook

Bus blog to come tomorrow or whenever I get somewhere that has wireless--I wrote one and then realized that I can't use the internet at my house for a variety of boring reasons.

So anyway...some random thoughts at this not-so-late-hour...

1) Scary movies rock my world. Yeah, so I just watched part of Signs by myself in my dark basement w/ a blanket wrapped around me. For those of you who don't know me that well, I love scary movies. I'm not particularly scared of them for real (I'm not scared afterwards), but I like to buy into it while I'm watching them. It's a thrill. I realized tonight that it (watching scary movies) is not as fun by yourself as it is in groups. And it's not as good in groups as it is w/ just one other person. And it's not as good w/one of your girl friends as it is w/ a guy (friend or more--frankly, when you're scared out of your mind you're just using him for his Y chromosome). That said, I'm excited for The Ring Two to come out (tomorrow, I guess). I'm not seeing it over break so I'll have to find someone to go w/ after break. Or maybe a group. Groups are a little less fun b/c there's safety in groups. If there's just two of you, theoretically "it" could get one of you and then the other one is in big trouble.

2) In the process of NOT overanalyzing anything, I thought of something (oh wipe that look of your face Dustin Schwobe). I won't go into the details of my theory/musings, but I realized once again how screwed up we humans are. Look at how much thought we put into our actions sometimes. Not heroic actions or productive actions, but actions we perform to look cool/attractive to the opposite sex. Think about it. There are a million fine lines we're always aware of (some of us less than others--to their detriment) that we're trying not to cross. We want to look interested without seeming too interested, mysterious w/o seeming cold, fun w/o seeminlyg slutty, confident w/o seeming forced, agressive w/o seeming over-eager, etc. The list goes on. You know when someone does something and you think--"Gee, that's unfortunate." Or, at least girls, you all know that guy friend who just tries too hard--he seems desperate. What the heck does that actually mean? I mean, how screwed up is it that we're evaluating the market value of the ppl we think about dating and deciding whether or not we like them based on whether or not other people would. Does that mean everyone's value to the opposite sex is relative to the value of those around them and changing w/ trends/changes in overall market value? That's a little degrading to both sides, don't you think? Anyway...don't know if that made sense. Darn, it was supposed to be short and now I see that it's long. Oh well, that's what you get for reading this...what are the words I'm looking for?...self-righteous drivel? No that couldn't be right, could it? Lol.

3) Ya'll should listen to the song "Nothin' But Cowboy Boots" by Blue Clounty. If that doesn't sound interesting, let me be more explicit...nothin' as in wearing nothing...yeah, good song.

4) Blog-reading unwritten rules. I'm writing them down. Rule 1: Unless you're going to commiserate/offer advice, you don't bring up the embarassing stuff. If you're Leah and you're like..."so this guy...", that rocks. If you're Random-Gun-Named-Bob and you're like..."hehe, I read about this guy...hehe", you suck. Rule 2: If Ben Stern, David McHugh, and Dustin Schwobe read my blog together they're not supposed to tell me that! It's embarassing. Rule 3: Did you seriously think there were rules? You're an idiot--I don't care who reads this. Like I'd put anything on here that I didn't know ppl were going to read anyway! (But the image of those three guys reading this together is hillarious...it's so something a group of girls would do together--like read Cosmo or paint nails or something...sorry, funny image...I digress).

5) I'm definitely falling into the Wisconsin accent thing. I keep saying WisCONsin instead of Wisconsin. And I want to add "eh?" to the end of everything. Like my cool roomie.

6) Last thoughts about boys (At least on here) before Spring Break...then no boys for Spring Break except my cute brothers who I love to death. First--I met a cool guy at church the other day (did I already mention this?). Well Sunday I sat next to him and the pastor's (or someone elses' I wasn't sure) little girl (maybe 3 years old) was sitting on his lap for the service. And he was being really cute w/ her. And it was really sexy. In church. But in a good way, you know. Like, in a few years, I would love to find a guy like that. But I think he's too old for me at the moment. But I'll see him again at church after break. Who knows? Second--So this guy I asked out...again, a big question mark. We have no plans. Theoretically, he knows I'm interested in hanging out/doing something so he'll say something if he wants to. But...I'm pretty sure I screwed that whole thing up. I thought--he's cool, I'll ask him to do something randomly on Friday/Saturday. But it ended up sounding, I think, like "let's go on a formal date at a formal time b/c I am formally interested in you only as more than friends. " Really not my intent at all. So...yeah, screwed that up. Hey, give me a break, I don't go around asking guys out. We talked a little on IM since then, but it's mostly just the weather/classes/whatever bullshit (see previous post about bullshit conversations). I don't talk to him all the time b/c I don't want ot annoy him if he doesn't want to talk, but that's counter-productive b/c then when I do talk to him I think he might not want to talk to me (he has never said hi to me w/o me saying hi first) so I end up sticking to the safe BORING bullshit topics. Oh well. That's a bummer. Life suck and then you die. Third--Ran into a guy I know from back in the day--and he looked good. Sort of reformed-nerd hip. Like "I'm making an effort, but I know I'm just to smart to ever look like a Calvin Klein model." Cute. Anyway, he was hitting on me. But I don't think I can get past how well I know him. I mean, all of a sudden I'm aware of him as a cute guy, but I'm pretty sure I'm not attracted to his personality. So he gets marked out. (See...guys do get marked out for personality even when they're cute--not as shallow as I sound sometimes). Fourth--thank goodness there isn't a fourth.

7) Exercising over break. I'm going to miss the NAT and the stairs by Ingram. Not sure what I'm going to do over break. May be a moot point b/c I feel like death warmed over at the moment. I had all these great plans about walking to Target (relatively far walk) to get the Restless heart CD tomorrow, but we're supposed to get lots of snow. Could be a problem. Hmm...maybe I'll put in my miles at the mall (I need to hit GAP and Ragstock or some other thrift place...I'd prefer goodwill, but driving there in the snow could be a problem...need some more random T-shifts for cheap). Okay, taking into account that we're now on number 7, I'll relent and shut up.

Good night all...have a good break if I don't see you...or if I do...probably won't be posting as frequently over break...unless I get really bored...which is a real possibility...anyway good night again, eh? (inappropriate use of the Wisconsin "eh" I believe, but I felt like throwing one in there) Katie

You're Excited Aren't You?

Hey all...leaving for Break today ast 3, which means I'll be on the bus for 5.5 hours w/ nothing to do but watch bus movies (eh, not bad, but not great), eat carrots (yay for Carson's), read about flying iguanas (fascinating, darling), and write randomness on my laptop (to the chagrine of my seat partner who is going green w/ envy over my awesome little SONY). I might write fiction tonight, in which case you won't be subjected to an unusually long and random blog. On the other hand I might not...in which case you will be. Ya'll are excited, I can tell.

Yeah, so anyway, I think some of you guys should call me over break and talk w/ outrageously overdone Wisconsin accents if someone other than me answers (which is tricky to figure out b/c my mom, sister, and I all sound exactly alike). Just a thought. Don't even think any of you know my home number. Which leads me to another thing...I'm making a list of everyones real info (home address and number and email) for the summer so we can all keep track of one another (I'll email it everyone when it's finished). I'll send out an email to lots of ppl so they can email me back w/ their info, but if I forget you, you should 1) not be offended, and 2) take some initiative and email me at moss1@wisc.edu. Okay, all for now...off to pack for home and take more drugs (get your mind on track, man, I've got a cold...what other drugs could you possibly think I was taking? You know I only do that stuff w/ Sarah and Kels...Ahh Sarah, fire throwing nuns, need I say more?)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

William Shakespeare, Hamlet:
Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love, time is eternity.
Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.

Old Friends

hey...ran into these quotes...forgot how much I liked them.

You're smart enough, you're good enough, and gosh darn it people like you. Stuart Smalley

Laziness grow on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more one has to do, the more one is able to accomplish.

And most importantly: You wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they do.

Ecology again

Music of the Moment: I love Rock’n’Roll…so put another dime in the jukebox, baby

I’m getting sick. That’s a bummer. But I’m leaving for break in a little over 24 hours. So that’s not so bad…I can go home and get taken care of.

Had a great night last night. Went to college library for a couple of hours w/ my roomie and her friend Lisa. I love college library. There’s energy in the air and it’s fun to watch people. Whenever I’m there I remember my first tour of UW when I was a junior in high school and they told us that College Library was voted the #1 non-alcoholic place to “meet your mate” by Rolling Stone Magazine. And I always look like crap when I go there b/c I’m going to study, but it’s fun to watch people watching each other. It’s like people go there to tap into that energy that comes from being aware of ppl of the opposite sex—and they use that energy to study. Interesting concept, but relatively effective I think.

The monotony of human contact. What makes us do the whole “Hi. How are you? How was your weekend? Gee whiz, this weather… How’re your classes? What’s your major?” thing? I mean, on some level that’s all interesting info if you are just meeting someone, but w/ ppl you know? Or even the second or third time you talk to ppl? What you’re really saying is “this is a nice safe thing we can talk about w/o having to think very hard while I watch you and read what you’re not saying.” Strange. I mean, you know who your real friends are b/c they’re the ones that you have conversations like “Have you ever been to that sketchy “grocery” store on State Street? So…what happened w/ that guy? What do you think about that Supreme Court ruling on the Juvenile Death Penalty? Do you want to go…? Your taste in music sucks (Matt). Cowboys and stairs, need I say more?” Whether there’s any kind of point to your conversation, there’s some sort of depth—it goes beyond the perfunctory. Are those basic boring questions all just a part of building up a history so that you can build deeper relationships based on that? No clue. Actually, I just lost my train of thought. Bottom line: I’m going to do an experiment and try to avoid asking ppl the mundane questions. If I talk about the weather, hit me. Or maybe don’t hit me…make fun of me or something.

100 things I want to do: (in no particular order) (I won’t say before I die b/c…does that have anything to do w/ it? Am I going to wake up some day when I’m sixty and realize I need to get to work on this stuff? No…it’s stuff to do now.)

Fall in love

Get married

Have kids

Write a book

Write a song


Be an extra in a film

Have an office w/ a bid desk and leather chair

Ride an elephant

Serve on a jury

Randomly ask someone out

Do something huge even if I might fail

Drive a convertible w/ the top down…and the music blaring…and sing at the top of my lungs…country music

Give a speech to huge audience

Learn to snowboard

Learn to bartend

Learn to play poker like a pro

See the running of the bulls in Pamplona

Visit New York

Study abroad

Run a marathon

Dye my hair

Visit India

Visit Germany

Visit Spain

Visit France

Visit England

Graduate from college

Own my own house

Go on a road trip

Write a really profound quote

Read all the books on my list

See all the movies on my list

Have tons of ppl to send Xmas cards to when I’m “all grown up”

Dance in the rain

Learn to square/line dance

Get my heart broken

Blow off class on a spring day to hang out w/ a guy

Play broomball

Swim in the Atlantic Ocean

Swim in the Pacific Ocean

Spend at least a week in San Diego, CA

Visit Mexico on vacation

Do mission work in a country I’ve never been to before

Learn to ride horses like a pro

Be able to do 15 pull ups

Go to a big multiple-day country music festival

Be someone’s rock

Do the Polar Bear Plunge

Learn to swing dance

Swing dance w/ an outrageously attractive guy

Have my children baptized

Ride a motorcycle (black leather optional)

Get a “real job”

Sleep outside under the stars

Learn to listen

Donate blood (a personal phobia of mine)

Have my foot pop

Get good at this whole “keeping-in-touch” thing

Stay in a hostel

Meet a real-live cowboy

There’s more, but I can’t think them at the moment…

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

--Yellowcard, Only One

There’s something…perplexing…about this time of year. It’s not quite winter but not quite spring. On the one hand you have winter dying away—the snow is melting off, you start worrying about those guys stoically sitting out on the now-melting lake, your winter coat becomes more annoying and less beneficial, and the sky is this kind of gray like it can’t make up its mind about what to do. At the same time, spring is coming to life—the days are getting longer, the air is getting warmer, there’s a general brightness in the air—like the sun is getting brighter but the clouds are diffusing it, you start thinking about swimsuits, skipping class, Spring Break, and frolicking outside.
While the death of winter and the birth of spring may seem like the same thing…or at least similar things…and definitely positive things…I think we underestimate this time of year. We’re in such a hurry to rush into Spring. We complain about this time of year and sort of step out of our lives in anticipation of the start of this new, better phase of the year. But I think we miss things by doing this. No matter what you do, spring is not going to get here any faster. And if you focus on the future, you miss the present. I’ve never been a huge fan of winter (except for the snow—sledding down Liz Waters hill rocked…go 12-person tray-train…Bradley rocks) but suddenly I’m seeing things that are beautiful in this classically-ugly transition. There’s life in the air. Not the bursting, high-energy life of spring, but the quiet, precocious shift between the budding life of spring and the easy death of winter. A vacuum is created where you can stand in one place (picnic point is especially good for this, but anywhere outside will work) and feel both the end of something—the nothingness, the sudden absence, a kind of echo in the air—and the beginning of something—soft light, barely-there movements in the air, the sound of things melting.

Bottom line: Get your ass in gear and stop complaining. You have a choice each day to be happy or not—screw saying it depends on what happens to you—there’s always something positive, but you can’t ignore it. And if you do ignore it, stop complaining to me. Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Dustin: You business people don’t appreciate fine arts.

Me: I appreciate fine arts, but I’m not going to spend money on fine arts. Especially b/c I’m going to England where I’ll appreciate fine arts.

Dustin: Fine arts being men.

I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. ~J. D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye

Trying the whole picture-posting thing out. Random pic of the guy from the Wedding Date...gotta love the lip-scar. Can't remember his name at the moment other than it is something unfortunate. Posted by Hello

Nice Guys

Found this on Mike's Blog...like it

Ode to the Nice Guys
This rant was written for the Wharton Undergraduate Journal

This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style.

This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and never take advantage once they’re at her door, for the guys who accompany girls to bars as buffers against the rest of the creepy male population, for the guys who know a girl is fishing for compliments but give them out anyway, for the guys who always play by the rules in a game where the rules favor cheaters, for the guys who are accredited as boyfriend material but somehow don’t end up being boyfriends, for all the nice guys who are overlooked, underestimated, and unappreciated, for all the nice guys who are manipulated, misled, and unjustly abandoned, this is for you.

This is for that time she left 40 urgent messages on your cell phone, and when you called her back, she spent three hours painstakingly dissecting two sentences her boyfriend said to her over dinner. And even though you thought her boyfriend was a chump and a jerk, you assured her that it was all ok and she shouldn’t worry about it. This is for that time she interrupted the best killing spree you’d ever orchestrated in GTA3 to rant about a rumor that romantically linked her and the guy she thinks is the most repulsive person in the world. And even though you thought it was immature and you had nothing against the guy, you paused the game for two hours and helped her concoct a counter-rumor to spread around the floor. This is also for that time she didn’t have a date, so after numerous vows that there was nothing “serious” between the two of you, she dragged you to a party where you knew nobody, the beer was awful, and she flirted shamelessly with you, justifying each fit of reckless teasing by announcing to everyone: “oh, but we’re just friends!” And even though you were invited purely as a symbolic warm body for her ego, you went anyways. Because you’re nice like that.

The nice guys don’t often get credit where credit is due. And perhaps more disturbing, the nice guys don’t seem to get laid as often as they should. And I wish I could logically explain this trend, but I can’t. From what I have observed on campus and what I have learned from talking to friends at other schools and in the workplace, the only conclusion I can form is that many girls are just illogical, manipulative bitches. Many of them claim they just want to date a nice guy, but when presented with such a specimen, they say irrational, confusing things such as “oh, he’s too nice to date” or “he would be a good boyfriend but he’s not for me” or “he already puts up with so much from me, I couldn’t possibly ask him out!” or the most frustrating of all: “no, it would ruin our friendship.” Yet, they continue to lament the lack of datable men in the world, and they expect their too-nice-to-date male friends to sympathize and apologize for the men that are jerks. Sorry, guys, girls like that are beyond my ability to fathom. I can’t figure out why the connection breaks down between what they say (I want a nice guy!) and what they do (I’m going to sleep with this complete ass now!). But one thing I can do, is say that the nice-guy-finishes-last phenomenon doesn’t last forever. There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted. The tricky part is finding those girls, and even trickier, finding the ones that are single.

So, until those girls are found, I propose a toast to all the nice guys. You know who you are, and I know you’re sick of hearing yourself described as ubiquitously nice. But the truth of the matter is, the world needs your patience in the department store, your holding open of doors, your party escorting services, your propensity to be a sucker for a pretty smile. For all the crazy, inane, absurd things you tolerate, for all the situations where you are the faceless, nameless hero, my accolades, my acknowledgement, and my gratitude go out to you. You do have credibility in this society, and your well deserved vindication is coming.

And yesterday I knew just what you wanted
When you came walkin' up to me with him
So I told you that I was happy for you
And given the chance I'd lie again

Just to see you smile
I'd do anything
That you wanted me to
And all is said and done
I�d never count the cost
It�s worth all that's lost
Just to see you smile

Ecology / Brit History Blog 2

I'd like to preface this all by saying one thing very clearly: I do have a life. Seriously guys...despite the appearance that I sit in my room crooning lovingly to my computer and talking to people who aren't really there, as indicated by my recent increase in blogging entries. I just have really boring classes during which I happen to have my computer and this is better than doing crosswords or trying to play solitaire w/o the TA noticing.

Music of the moment: High Lonesome by Judd Hughes (that’s a guest on the artist—look it up if you care)

Topics for today’s ecology lecture boredom: Workout motivation, Pushing limits, Relationships w/ guys (not mine, I swear!—just a general topic that seems to come up w/ the advent of spring and swimsuit season)

Workout motivation

So I’ve become what my dad refers to as a “gym rat” lately. It’s actually amazing to me too…I started going about three weeks ago—sparked off by the beginning of lent. I’ve had to mess around w/ my routine a little—first I was doing too much cardio so I was tired all the time, now I’m doing very little cardio, strength training every other day, and interval training every day. I absolutely love it. I’m seeing much better results w/ lifting and interval training (which takes much less time than an hour and a half of cardio every day) than I was w/ straight cardio. And I’m not bored to tears all the time b/c everything is based on numbers instead of time (although interval training is technically based on time, I focus on getting in as many reps as I can in two time blocks—like 8 sets of stairs in 10 minutes [right now I’m at 7]). When you lift, you’re not making yourself keep doing it for 10 million minutes—you’re making yourself crank out 12 more reps. Bottom line—there’s no way to approach it but 1 rep at a time. When you’re doing stairs, you don’t think “I have to do 6 more sets of this” you just don’t let yourself stop—as soon as you start up those stairs one more time, you’ve succeeded in that rep as long as you hang on and push yourself and don’t think about the next one. Then when you get to the bottom again, turn around and start back up before you let yourself think about it and MAGIC, you’ve succeeded again—you’re a machine!

So…most of you know me (or you have some kind of sickness that makes you read this blog which has to be about the most boring thing in the world if you don’t know me—and frequently even if you do). Knowing me, most of you probably can’t picture me being anything anyone would call a “gym rat.” I’ve always had trouble motivating myself to workout. I think a large part of getting motivated now is the lack of TV. When I started lent I wasn’t watching any TV except for West Wing, Lost, and the O.C.—no more Law and Order in the middle of the day. I slipped a little last week, but I’m trying to get back to that b/c I see my productivity slipping when I let myself get sucked into the TV. Anyway, I was going to the gym when I didn’t want to do my hmwk instead of watching
TV when I wanted to kill time. And suddenly it’s become both a habit and a priority for me. I really enjoy the time I have at the gym. There’s something about the way you think (or don’t) when you’re focused on making your body work hard. You’re thinking about your form, what weight you’re lifting, what your next exercise is, your breathing, controlling your movements, and feeling how lifting is making your muscles and body feel. When you think about it, it’s a very sensuous thing—you’re focusing on every sensation in your body. You’re not thinking externally. Working out is a reward in itself. I like seeing the new confidence I’m getting every time I go the gym and don’t have to worry about my form or get to increase the amount of weight I’m lifting or can feel a set getting easier to do—like my body is becoming more efficient. Same goes for my interval training—I run the stairs next to Ingram (or the ones in Bradley if it’s snowy/icy outside, but it’s a poor substitute) or do sprints on the lakeshore path by the bridge. These places have the added benefit of having the occasional person walking/jogging by that makes you evaluate your form and speed—usually making you push yourself harder for the rep. In just a week I’ve gone from feeling like I got hit by a train when I finish the Ingram stairs to feeling like I could do a few more reps. That amazes me.

I was talking to one of my friends who started working out recently also. We were talking about how it’s getting easier and easier to eat healthily and in moderation now that we’re working out. (It wasn’t easy the first two weeks, believe me. I definitely felt my body freaking out and having crazy cravings, but I think a lot of that was mental b/c I was focusing a lot on what I shouldn’t eat instead of what I should). That makes me wonder how much of our cravings for bad foods—chocolate, ice cream, donuts, anything deep-friend—is based on the actual taste of the foods and how much of it is mental. I don’t feel like I can’t eat these things, but I don’t make a habit of eating them anymore—and when I do I eat them in moderation. But I haven’t had this urge to eat large quantities of them or anything lately, which I used to have. You know when you eat one donut and you want to eat four more? I don’t know—suddenly the attractions is pretty much gone. It’s like I know what it’s costing me to eat things that don’t really give me more enjoyment than other things (carrots, grapefruit, oranges, apples, pineapple…etc.). My friend quoted someone and said it all came down to—Being thin FEELS better than anything TASTES.

Now, there’s really not a point to this post, but the usual point to my blogs—to get thoughts out of my head so I can stop thinking them. A cautionary note too—we tend to think in our society that ppl who talk about working out and eating healthily and wanting to change their body to be the best it can be might be anorexic or bulimic or working out too much and starving themselves or something. I word: relax. So, I don’t expect to get several emails trying to get me to admit that I’m secretly living on carrots and water and running nine hours a day while picturing Kate Moss in my head as motivation. Not the way this is working. Just enjoying getting back in touch w/ a fitter side of myself.

Bottom line: I think motivation can be broken down into two parts: Stating something and not quitting. I didn’t say “sticking w/ it” b/c that’s not the point—it really is just refusing to stop. Sticking w/ it implies this forward momentum w/ long-term goals incorporated into it, but not quitting is just putting one foot in front of the other.

Side note—how is it that if we mention working out and eating healthy ppl think anorexia/bulimia/insecurity/problems, but if we spend nine million hours a day talking about boys that’s perfectly normal? That’s messed up.

Here’s a short one: Pushing your limits—this is a spinoff of one of my thoughts on motivation. Basically, when I get to the bottom of Ingram hill, I ask myself “Could I do one more?” And the answer is usually yes. Pushing your limits is when you want to say no b/c it’d be the easy thing, but you say yes b/c you know you can do it. Let’s briefly extrapolate that to other areas of life. When have you ever actually run into your limits? Take academics…when have you ever run into the limits of your own mind? I’d bet never. You may have run into the limits of your time, motivation, teacher’s ability to teach the material, but those are all things that can be changed. When have you ever run into a wall in your mind that wouldn’t let you work harder, learn more, or push yourself further?

So, I was going to talk about boys, but I’ve run out of time so you’re all spared. Unless I find some time later. Like in British History next hour when he’s talking about increasing fertility among women in 18th century England…and we care because?

Yeah—so I’m in Brit History now and it’s as boring as predicted so far. Social implications—200 eyes glaze over. We’re talking about the uses of Indian calicoes—dresses, stocking, undergarments (ooh, scandalous).

So…an eclectic group of thoughts that have to do w/ relationships/guys:

First: I found a quote the other day, which I’m going to bastardize here in trying to recall it accurately, but it went something like this: “Men watch women. Women watch themselves being watched. This determines not only the nature of the relationships between men and women, but also the relationships between women and women.” I think there’s some truth in that. But I think it underestimates guys’ insecurities—they want to know when they’re being watched too. And girls aren’t so shallow as to only be watching guys to see how they’re reacting to how them look/act. I think we’re always monitoring one another. Anyway…

Second: Speaking of watching one another…what is up w/ girls and guys judging each other unequally…the bottom line is trust. So…I was talking to a girl friend the other day and said something along the lines of—“I met this guy. He was really cute—you know that “great eyes, great smile” kind of cute? And good jeans…mmm.” Well, my girl friend knew exactly what I was talking about, but my guy friend who was there w/ outraged. He started talking about how girls just judge guys by the way the look. That that’s all they care about. That personality should matter more and we’re somehow exceedingly shallow and wrong. Okay…shallow has a negative connotation to it, but I think we often call things shallow that are really just normal. When you meet someone of the opposite sex your radar goes up…basically, you check them out, right? And if you like what you see, you try to get to know them. And if you like their personality you like them. Okay, so guys who don’t set off sparks w/ you right away can set off sparks w/ you when you get to know how great their personalities are too. But…there’s this whole other set of social interactions where you see a guy and you’re never going to get to know him. So, are you supposed to not appreciate the fact that he looks really good? Anyway…I don’t think that it is wrong for girls to check out guys they meet. And I don’t think it’s shallow unless that’s their only input in judging who that person is. However, I realize the bias girls have against guys who do the same thing. I admit it—when I’m w/ my guy friends and they start talking about how hot some girl is…something fundamental in me doesn’t like it. Maybe it’s some overt kind of jealousy (not romantic, but maybe over guy friends?). But I think it’s probably more an issue of trust. Girls trust themselves not to act on the fact that they’ve seen a really hot guy if they already have a guy they’re involved w/. However, we don’t trust guys to be able to control themselves in the same way. Which to some extent is probably right (sorry, guys)…psychology has indicated that guys generally separate love and sex in their minds to a much greater extent than girls do. So when a girl looks at a guy and makes that “yumm” sound b/c he’s got great jeans, she’s not usually thinking about doing anything about it unless she doesn’t have a significant other. I don’t know that it’s that easy for guys to look w/o thinking about acting. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt b/c…I could have no way of knowing how hard it is to be a guy w/ the hormones that are involved—that would suck! So…bottom line…guys shouldn’t think girls are trashy or shallow b/c they appreciate other guys, and girls should give the guys the benefit of the doubt when they talk about Angelina Jolie—or on a more threatening note, the girl who lives down the hall from them.

Third: Speaking of watching yourself being watched…So this is definitely true—and it can be seen in a lot of the things that we think of as “romantic”—really they’re just positive indications of being watched, which I’ll extrapolate to include being thought about. For example, when a guy calls you…you think he’s been thinking about you (and he probably has). When he talks to his friends about you. When he writes you a note. These are basic—communication. Okay, so there are sort of two other categories that I can think of that are linked to this watching/being thought of. The first is literally being watched—when you look over and he’s looking at you—yeah, that’s a good feeling. Or when you look over and smile into a guys eyes—that’s sexy, no other way around it. Okay, the third category—touching. Get your mind out of the gutter…I don’t mean groping. The little things—holding hands, putting his hand on the small of your back while going through a door, touching your hair, wrestling, whatever—I think part of the significance is that he was thinking about you. Of course, that could be my closet romantic and he’s probably thinking about the Illinois basketball game.

Fourth: The “waiting by the phone” syndrome—do guys suffer from this? I think this is aggravated/a result of overanalysis. How is that when you talk to someone you think one thing? You get a good feeling from them, whatever. Then when you don’t talk to them (more accurately, they don’t talk to you…call you…whatever)…your impression of the situation completely changes, you freak out, and you decide it isn’t worth it. Meanwhile, the other person is clueless. I mean, let’s give a hand to human nature—way to complicate your own life.

Fifth: Speaking of waiting by the phone…gender roles in relationships—friendship and dating. Ah…out of time…you’re sad, I can tell.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lyrical Parasites

Ahhh...this song is drilling holes in my head and taking up residence! Parasites! In my mind!

Dashboard Confessional--Vindicated
I am Vindicated
I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
I swear I knew it all along

And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

Casting Crown Lyrics

Father, hear my prayer
I need the perfect words
Words that he will hear
And know they're straight from You
I don't know what to say
I only know it hurts
To see my only friend slowly fade away

So maybe this time I'll speak the words of life
With Your fire in my eyes
But that old familiar fear is tearing at my words
What am I so afraid of?

'Cause here I go again
Talkin' bout the rain
And mulling over things that won't live past today
And as I dance around the truth
Time is not his friend
This might be my last chance to tell him that
You love him
But here I go again,
Here I go again

A 1 a.m. post--the best kind *grin*

Hmm...deep thoughts tonight. I'm a little tired of over-analyzing things. Even more tired of getting myself involved in things that I end up having to over-analyze. I just realized tonight that we only have two months or so before the end of our first year of college. Then it's off to Colorado for three months. Then home for three weeks. Then off to England for 2.5 months after that. Then back here next Spring. My schedule for coourses is a little crazy and I have a feeling it may entail summer school next summer...which could be cool b/c I'd be able to go home for a few weeks before coming back for my summer classes I believe. I don't know what has been wrong w/ me this week--some kind of reversion to high school-esque behavior or something. Lets list the ways I've been counter-productive this week...then I'll try to stop talking about them.

First: I haven't done any homework this week...or for the last few weeks in general. Now I have tons of stuff to do to just catch up before my second round of tests, which is right after spring break. Guess what my break plans are.

Second: I asked this guy out. Then I let asking him out go from being a casual thing to a weird/overly-scheduled/way-too-official thing. Then I overanalyzed that (b/c our schedules didn't work and I thought maybe he didn't want to do anything). Then I cleared that up w/ him the other night. Then I overanalyzed that (our schedules still don't work, he has never initiated a conversation w/ me [not necessarily his fault...just a thing that I overanalyzed--which is lame anyway b/c we talk on IM, which has a whole different set of issues of its own], and he totally only talked to our mutual guy friend when we ran into him (literally) tonight--not that I know what he should have said--again, just another thing I overanalyzed). And tonight reality intruded and I realized that, while I might have time for a casual dating-friend-guy-experiment (I def. don't have time for more than that), I don't have time to go chasing after a guy if he isn't interested. Bottom line: I don't have the time/energy/patience/courage to always be the one making a move. Kind of wish I hadn't asked him out now b/c then we could be friends w/o having to go through the whole awkward phase that we'll have to go through now. That is if we even end up friends which is semi-doubtful b/c, while he didn't seem like the kind of guy who does the whole immature weirded-out-by-being-friends-with-girls-who've-thought-I-was-cute thing, maybe he is and I never see him anyway. Okay, I'm getting off track. Let's try this bottom line thing again. Bottom line: I think he's great. The things he says surprise me and that's interesting. BUT I don't have time/mental-inclination to chase after him if he doesn't want to do anything. AND our schedules apparently don't work together anyway. SO I'm going to wait and see what he does. I'll prob. talk to him on IM, but if it feels like I'm bothering him, I'll prob. let the whole thing die a quiet death. Too bad. You know how your memory of a person fades after you haven't seen them in awhile? Well, I can't really remember how he was, but I remember him being interesting and easy to talk to. Characters that aren't as common among guys as you'd think. As you can see from this excessively long section of this post--I've analyzed this to death. It's not fun overanalyzing things and I should stop. So...unless something else actually happens (as opposed to me thinking about something actually happening), I'm done talking about him.

Back to the list of my screwups for the week...

Third: I let myself get distracted from my life by everything going on around me. Not other ppl--that's okay to get caught up in...no one should be so focused on themselves that they lose sight of those around them--but in things: TV, IM, blogging, email...trash that I need to get rid of!

Well, there are more, but I'm getting tired now...and listing my screwups isn't the most uplifting of exercises. So I'm off to bed.

My conclusion: Time to stop overanalyzing things. In fact...I'm going to try underanalyzing things and see how that works out.