Ecology Blog
Just a thought: Quiet guys w/ great smiles can just knock you straight over. I've been noticing this lately. I'ven never been one of those girls who really likes shy guys, but I'm thinkin' I do like those quiet ones--sort of silent but deadly...they crack a half smile and you feel like the sun just got a little brighter. Crazy.
Yeah, so my accounting exam was yesterday. Before the exam Dustin and I went to the Parthenon on State for dinner for gyros, which were awesome. If we do well on the exam, we’ll have to make it a tradition or something. Maybe try somewhere else next time.
While we were at dinner we had an interesting conversation that I’ll comment on briefly here. Okay, so we talked about flirting…how obvious it is to other girls when girls flirt, how clueless guys are, and how guys flirt. We couldn’t really figure out how guys flirt. Which would make me want to say it’s more subtle than we give them credit for, but somehow I don’t think that’s it. Anyway, that wasn’t the interesting thing. We started talking about how we rank ourselves and other people. Like, at first I said that I rank other ppl but don’t put myself on that scale (the more arrogant was of saying that would be that I put myself way above, hehe…which I figured out isn’t true). Then we started talking about ppl who we feel like we’re wasting their time when we talk to them versus those that you almost feel like you’re doing a favor by talking to them. Arrogant, I know, but true. So what makes us snap judge those ppl who we feel are better than us as “better than us”? B/c it’s relatively automatic, I think. I don’t know…but it sucks. Because sometimes it’s the ppl you’d like to get to know the most that you’re the least confident to approach (and I’m not just talking about guys). Okay, I really should be listening in lecture right now.
Sina—if you’re reading this, I keep trying to call you, but it’s never at the right time (I started to call you once and realized it was probably about 3 am there…oops). Hopefully, I’ll be more successful this weekend!
katie - 3 am is just fine. call whenever ;) i was looking through pictures the other day and meant to call you too(again.. :)) ... i can't believe how bad we are at keeping in touch! (well, ok, i actually can..) anyway, talk to you soon ... hopefully :) love you *sina
12:57 PM
Let’s talk about economy!
Some years ago, after organising some demonstrations for the South American Indians
I was invited to Brazil and I went to a secret place in the Amazonian forest to receive the ad honorem degree from the University of the Forest.
The teachers were the forest keepers, those of the sky, time and love.
They explained me that the rain forest held the heaven and if it had been cut down, the sky would have fallen upon the earth putting an end to the time of conscience and, in this way, love would disappear forever.
They asked me for a speech to hold during the graduation ceremony.
I decided to talk about development and economy.
I explained that if you seed a grain of maize, a plant will grow that will give 1000 grains so that the year yield of maize is 9999%.
A banknote of 5 $ “planted” in a bank has a yield of 5%.
I said that if there are hundred fish in some water, every year, leaving a hundred, you can fish at least one thousand of them, with a yield of 1000%.
A piece of gold put in a safe stays the same the next year!
I explained that thanks to technology, men have invented instruments with which we can transform the wind, the sun, the waves and currents into light, power and heat that are movable in the distance and with which we can supply power to useful devices.
I explained that with a solar panel we can obtain light during the centuries. A yield of at least 100.000%.
A litre of gasoline when burnt, is burnt for ever and has a yield of 0 approx.
I said that cutting a bough from a tree we can obtain vegetable fibres endlessly, because the branch grows again with a yield of
But if you cut the tree without seeding another, the yield is below 0, since the benefits obtained by its wood cannot ever pay off the loss of that tree.
Because it is scientifically proved that heaven is held by the trees.
By cutting trees, a series of devastating climate changes are triggered and in fact the sky would fall upon the earth and it will crash everyone and everything, including human beings, so that everything would end and we would all die and there won’t be a today a yesterday or a tomorrow any longer.
“There won’t be any kind of development or economy any more. And running as far as we can will not be enough since, when everything ends, everything ends and there won’t be time not to run away”
When all ends, there won’t be the past, the present or the future.
For love we need a lot of past, present and future and if there is no more time to love, so there can’t be love either.
Then I turned towards the world and said:
“Please, if you are listening to this speech and if you are cutting a tree from the forest, stop it now!
Take a bough, take two, but please, don’t cut the whole tree.
If you cut a bough and you come back next year, you’ll find another.
If you cut the tree, there is nothing else between the earth and the sky, there is nothing to hold the sky upon our head.
If you cut the trees, the sky will fall upon your head and we are going to die: that means that there won’t be a yesterday, a today or a tomorrow and there won’t be love any more. For nobody, not even for you!
If you truly want to cut a tree, put a seed and you’ll see another one grow”
They clapped, they kissed me, they hug me, they shook hands, some started to cry and turned the ad honorem degree into a degree with the highest marks.
3:43 PM
רציתי לחלוק איתכם במשהו שעברתי אחרי הפיגוע בדולפינריום. במהלך שנה אחרי הפיגוע, חשתי מדוכאת, חסרת שמחת חיים, עייפה ומדוכדכת. בכל טיפול רפואי רגיל לא יכולתי לשקם את עצמי ולכן פניתי ל- [b][url=]עיסוי[/url][/b] רפואי אלטרנטיבי. ייעצו לי על מעסה מקצועי מ - עיסוי עד הבית, אשר מכיל מסאג איורוודה משחרר במיוחד אשר עורר לי את החושים תוך טיפול אחד בלבד. כזה שינוי בחיים לא חוויתי, אומנם זה היה טיפול מסאג איורוודה ראשוני, השתפר לי המצב הרוח, פיזרתי את השיער ויצאתי מה- [b][url=]מסאג[/url][/b]' עם כח מחודש, מחייכת ומוכנה להמשיך הלאה.
[b][url=]עיסוי שוודי[/url][/b] הוא עיסוי משולב עם ריח של קטורת, מוזיקה נעימה ומוזיקה נעימה. ההתחלה של עיסוי היא מגע מפנק מעל המגבת אחרי שחשפנו את הגוף מכף רגל ועד ראש. נמרח שמן חם מכף רגל ועד הראש, לאחר מכן תנועה עדינה ומלטפת מכף רגל ועד ראש ובחזרה. לאחר כמה תנועות מפנקות עוברים לצד השני של הגוף, לאחר התנועות על הצד השני יש תהליך של לחיצות רפואיות מכיוון שהגוף התרגל למגע מפנק ומרגיע וזה גרם לשרירים להרפות מעט... כל זה בטיפול פרטי של [b][url=]מעסה[/url][/b] מקצועי עד בית הלקוח!
אני לא האמנתי שדברים כאלו יכולים לקרות עד אשר חוויתי מסאג שוודי מושקע כלכך, המעסה המקצועי אליי הביתה עם מגע כלכך מפנק שלא האמנתי שיכול להיות. ממליצה לכל אחד ואחת אשר מעוניינים ב [b][url=]מסאז[/url][/b]', עיסוי או פינוק מטריף חושים באמצע השבוע על
5:44 PM
Hahah, המחשב הנייד שלי התרסק כשהייתי גלישה באתר זה בפעם האחרונה שהייתי כאן. ועבור 2 החודשים האחרונים אני כבר מחפש בבלוג הזה, אני אסיר תודה על כך נמצא אותו שוב! : D
8:04 PM
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