No...I Didn't Fall Off The Face of the Earth...Just Into A Valley In CO`
Hey all...long time, huh? Well, I'm doing amazingly well here in CO...I can't believe I only have four more weeks or so before I have to leave this place...I feel like I've found a part of myself here that I knew existed, but could never access before. I apologize to all of you who I haven't kept in touch w/ this life every second kind of got in the way--I miss you all though, and I can't wait to see everyone. On that note...I think my pre-England visit to campus may not happen b/c my family and I are going to San Diego for a week and then I have to pack and chill and get ready. But I'll have a phone, so I'm sure we'll talk.
Did I mention that I got bucked off of a horse and bought a guitar all in the same day...but I'm trying to get more diligent w/ practicing but things seem to crop up every night and I work all day. I'm going to have my guitar forever, and I don't want to stay home on my last nights at the ranch b/c I'm busy practicing.
Did I mention that I have fallen in love w/ Chris Ledoux? My favorite song at the moment is Tougher Than The Rest.
And I sat the trot for about half the time when I went riding this morning.
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