I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Saturday, December 13, 2003

I Hate Being Sick

I feel like I've been sick forever! It's been over a week. I finally went to the doctors yesterday and he gave me all kinds of fun pills to take and I'm feeling a million times better already. I had strep throat and an allergy attack. Definitely, not what I thought I had. I don't even think I had strep when I got sick the first time, which means that I really had this flu/cold thing, which started to get better but gave me an allergy attack and at some point in the last few days someone gave me strep. Ain't life grand? The good thing is that I should be as good as new by the time we're heading to Russia (on Wednesday, I can't wait!) and if I'm not I have tons of drugs to take.

Today is Xmas here at the Moss household b/c we'll be gone for the real Xmas. Listen to this...okay, we'll be in Russia when ppl here celebrate Xmas and Russia is on the Eastern Orthodox religious calendar so they celebrate Xmas on Jan. 7, the day we leave! We miss Xmas everywhere! Oh well, I don't think that's the point. I can't wait to open my black cowboy hat!

Love you all, even though I haven't been able to hang out in like forever! - Katie

Monday, December 08, 2003

Bubble Baths

So yeah, I stayed home from school today b/c I have zero energy. I was having a terrible day, although I did get a ton of hmwk done before one, but at like 1:30 I suddenly just like ran out of energy. Seriously, it was bizarre. So I decided to take a bubble bath in my parents big jacuzzi tub. You know how bubble bath junk doesn't really get that bubbley usually? Well, I always put tons in b/c it doesn't do much. Then I threw this fizz aromatherapy thing in b/c I had it sitting around my room. Then I got in and there weren't very many bubbles, but then I turned on the jets and it started to get so bubbley I had to turn them off b/c it was going to overflow the tub. Seriously guys there was like a foot of bubbles. It was really cool. So I'm sitting here in my really cool bubble bath and that's when it his me. Bubble baths aren't all they're cracked up to be. They're actually...rather...boring. So then I got out and it's such a hassle b/c you have to get in the shower to rinse all the bubbles off of you, spend forever trying to get all the bubbles washout out of the tub, put everything back the way it was, etc. Definitely too much work for a boring bubble bath. Just thought I'd write that so I don't forget next time I think "hmm, a bubble bath would be so great right now." Oh yeah, and now I can't get this stupid aromatherapy cheap perfume smell off my skin! Gross!

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Cowboys and Cough Syrup

Yeah, so I'm really really sick. My dad gave me whatever flu/cold/feel-like-your-dying-all-the-time thing he had, only I got it worse. I did a bad thing of Friday and still went out w/ ppl when I should have stayed home and slept, but then hindsight is 20/20 and I love these guys so much it's hard to decide that it's a better thing to NOT be hanging out w/ them somewhere. Anyway, yesterday when I was laying on the couch downstairs w/ a 103 fever and drifting in and out of sleep and delirium I realized something. Country music is definitely the best kind. I mean, when your all healthy and junk you listen to whatever and you like all of it, but when you're sick, you want to hear the best music. I thought maybe I was starting to like alternative music better than country, but no way...I've been listening to country for like the last 24 hours and enjoying it. Below, for you amusement, I'm sure, are some quotes from my favorite songs of late.

"All cowboyed up in his hat and jeans...He looked like the kind of man, you can't take home to mama...We were flyin' down the interstate, chasin' those Texas plates...just three Oklahoma girls, wantin' a piece of the Lone Star state..."

"This ain't no thinkin' thing, right brain left brain, it goes a little deeper than that...it's a chemical, physical, emotional devotion"

"Good little girls make some mighty wild women...they've kept her under wrap, she ain't been hangin' out, w/ any ugly actin' boys...hardly ever been kissed, twenty years of innocence...she's waitin' on a gold ring before she tries her wings...i wanna be the man, holding her hand, when she ain't holdin' back anymore...good little girls make some mighty wild women, been savin' it up since the very beginnin', fall in love they wanna take it to the limit..."

Okay, I'm tired now, goodnight

Russia Continued

Yeah, so there isn't a whole lot more to say about the trip to Russia b/c I don't have much more info that when we're going. I'm really excited! Alexey is so cute and I can't wait to meet him. Kels and Drew are still being spoiled brats about the whole thing, but we're all pretending to respect their right to their stupic opinions, but we get really mad when they start spewing all that negative BS and I just tell them to keep it to themselves. Anyway, we get to open Xmas presents this weekend b/c we'll be gone over Xmas and that'll rock. I can't wait to get to Russia! I'm going to buy everyones Xmas gifts there, which means all my friends won't technically get them until about half way through January, but oh well, right? That's all on Russia, I think. Man, I'm even looking forward to the flight over there! I want to get my passport stamped!