I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Some days you gotta dance...live it up while you get the chance

hey all, update on the whole boy issue...it's a non-issue. Why resolved suddenly? Because I decided it was. I love the way I feel around him...not like all in love with him or anything, I just love the person I get to be w/ him (am I repeating myself?) and he's a great guy so he gets to be guy friend number one instead of crush boy that I alternately hate and adore. He'll fill the role quite well...I just hope he doesn't think I like him. That doesn't make sense b/c I do, but I really am starting to just like him as a friend but I don't want him to freak out if I was giving off different vibes before. I don't know...I just hope I didn't screw this up and make things awkward. That would kill my night. Anyhow, I'm going to go wander around now. Btw, Sarah, you still owe me the pic of your cutey boy. Did I just say cutey boy? Why do I sound so much ditzyer (is that word) online? If I sound this way in person, please don't tell me...delusions are good.

With love, as always, Katie

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

You Spin me Right Round Baby, Right Round, Like a Record Baby Right Round Round Round

Okay, so I decided that I can still be w/ him, I just can't make plans w/ him or depend on him. I mean, realistically, when he's in the room I'm not going to ignore him. Besides, that would be vindictive and mean. And, the worst part is...I like the way I feel around him. I like the person I get to be w/ him (I think that's a line from a corny movie, but I'm not kidding). It's strange...it's like when he's around, even if we're not actually talking or anything, I feel better. I don't know. It's strange. Maybe I'll meet someone else. Even realizing that part of the reason that everyone is hooking up is to complete their mental image of college as living on your own, going to class, and a having a significant other, I still want one, but other than him I haven't met one yet. Ah well, waiting won't kill me anytime soon. Oh, and the view in the interim isn't bad, either.

Love ya'll, Katie

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Boys are dumb...Throw rocks at them

hey all...this will be short and to the point, but i need to commit something to "paper" so that I can, in theory, hold myself a litte bit accountable. I like this guy (wow, surprise, right?). Two problems there...he's a great guy (of course, i have great taste) so I don't know if he acts so great around me b/c he likes me or b/c he's so great (I suspect the later). Problem number two is a deal-breaker...he's flaky. When you're w/ him he's great, but when you're not he just isn't dependable...or maybe doing things w/ me is the last thing on his priority list but I dont' think that's it. Unfortunately, I think it's one of those character flaws ppl carry around b/c they're too lazy to fix. I realized yesterday that I would not give any other friend who blew me off all the time, for whatever reason, the time of day, so why am I letting him waste my time? So, there it is...I'm going to stop hanging out w/ him. Hopefully, we'll be friends again after a while, but I need to get him out of my head before I can see him from that perspective...and he'll still be a flake. Oh well, such a waste b/c he's great in most other ways.

Not depressed, but disappointed. Katie