I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

And Your Point Would Be...?

I'm starting to feel like one of those kids that's in one of your classes that's always saying the most obvious, "uh, like, duh" random statements possible. For example, today in Euro we're talking about hemophelia and the Russian tsars and all that and this girl in my class raises her hand half way through the discussion and says ::drumroll please, Kyle--thanks, lol:: "Well, the reason they keep on bleeding is because there's no...umm...you know, their blood isn't able to clot." No, this may seem relevent to the discussion, but this is like ten minutes after we've been talking about it. Everyone was like, "right...anyway" and we moved on. See, now I've gotten off track...my point was that maybe there is no point to thinking so much about all of these things. Maybe I'm stating the obvious all time. I mean, I assume everyone thinks about these random things I talk about b/c truly they're not the origional or creative just everyday life and everyday thoughts, but I wonder if we should even talk about them b/c it doesn't really change anything.

For example, I was sitting here procrastinating from writing my Bible Study plan for tonight by reading all these quotes I'd saved in a word file. And then I started thinking about love and all that kind of junk and then I realized that I was having this strange sense of mental deja vou (sp?) like I've totally covered this ground about a trillion times and my conclusions never change my actions. Maybe there's the problem, but I don't really see a change of action as necessary, but rather that thinking about it is pointless b/c I'm not thinking about it with the goal of a change in action, but rather just for the sake of htinking about it, which I've obviously already done (hence the deja vu). Okay, well, gtg finish up for Bible Study so I guess I'll leave you w/ that extremely convoluted and not really relevant to anything thought--have a great day, I'm not. -Katie

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Life Doesn't Come w/ a Warning Label

Yeah, so I met a guy today. Don't know what's going to happen w/ that, but I love his energy and that he's so--I don't know. Anyway, I'm in a very existentialistic (sp?) mood right now...what is really the meaning of life and all that? I'm worried about my grades this term and I'm really, really, really amazingly bored w/ my job. Yeah, so that's life at the moment. More later, off to do hmwk...Katie

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Random Poetry Snag

Did you ever look in the mirror
And wonder how this could be?
How can I not even recognize
That person staring back at me
And then this feeling runs through you
Like maybe you don’t really exist
Because what the world sees
Isn’t what life really is
And you’d think that you’d know
That the world judges too quickly
But when the mirror is put away
You’re still there, still you

Multitangented (get it, like multitalented)

Jealousy ~ Okay, I was thinking about this recently...I would definitely be a jealous girlfriend. Well, not one of those scarily jealous girlfriends who doesn't let her bf hang out w/ anyone who isn't male except her, but one who would always be thinking in the back of her head that she was being threatened by other girls around her guy. Okay, so maybe that would just make me an insecure girlfriend, but I think that goes w/ this oversimplified view of love that people have and that's what I'm basing that guess on. Moving on to that topic...

Love ~ I think people, especially romantics (myself included although maybe you wouldn't guess it) see love as this grand things that hits you, you get swept away in, and then it's all-consuming. I don't think that's realistic. I mean, I do believe in this grand, passionate love can exist btwn two people and last forever, but I don't think it necessarily, or even frequently, happens quickly or is all-consuming. There are so many different relationships that we can have w/ other people, and I think we lose a lot when we try to shove people into the little boxes we assign for them. Especially guy-girl relationships. I found myself trying to decide if I liked this guy the other day. I mean, I was like "hmm, do I like "random guy" as a friend or do I like him as more" and then I stopped myself and I was like, why does it matter if I label it like that? B/c when you pick a label you tend to pick a set of corresponding actions and why limit yourself or build up some kind of expectation or lack thereof in your mind? I mean, once you're involved w/ someone I definitely like that you say you're boyfriend/girlfriend b/c I think it entails a kind of commitment, however loose, but you don't need to set some kind of goal or lack thereof for a relationship w/in the first few days or the first few months for that matter of how long you know someone. People aren't means to an end, they're unique and different and they're more interesting if you let your relationships w/ them reflect that.

If you think about it, relationships aren't what about you say, but what you're telling someone. They aren't about what you do, but what you are projecting to the other person. I have relationships that change several times btwn the times that I actually talk to the other person. That's totally based upon me, but relationships are like those trees that bend in the wind but don't break...unless you try not to let them bend and then you lose them.

More later - Katie