Something Weird...brought to you direct from those Moss girls in MN
My toenails are hurting again...that's the beginning of this funny/weird post brought to you on this spectacular evening my Kels (my sister) and understand why that's so funny, you'll have to check out our last weird/funny blog at
Onward through the fog...
Katie: Kels, don't let me eat anything else tonight.
Kels: What are you eating now? (she turns around) Oh, a breadstick.
Katie: Yeah, and then I'm going to brush my teeth and then you're not supposed to let me eat anything else.
An hour later...
Katie: You're a bad sister.
Kels: What?
Katie: You weren't watching me closely enough...I ate another breadstick.
Kels: Well, you were just too quick. I took the cooking oil upstairs to the bathroom (don't's not as weird as it sounds) and when I got back you were like done w/ it.
Kels: I can't believe you just nodded your head the whole time you typed that. (on IM)
Katie: What?
Kels: You were nodding, like this (demonstrates nodding in agreement)
Katie: Well I agreed w/ what I was writing.
Kels: You were like that counselor you had in sixth grade (another long story).
Kels: Did you steal my phone?
Katie: What? No. (suddenly Kels comes up behind me and is trying to feel in my pockets)...hey! knock it off, what're you doing?
Kels: Oh wait, it's here in my left's usually in the right one.
Okay, that wasn't as funny as it was in real she checks my pockets before all of hers...anyway, and then I won the lottery.
More hilarity insued, but now our friends are here and we're off to roll around on the floor laughing w/ them!
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