I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Something Weird...brought to you direct from those Moss girls in MN

My toenails are hurting again...that's the beginning of this funny/weird post brought to you on this spectacular evening my Kels (my sister) and I...to understand why that's so funny, you'll have to check out our last weird/funny blog at http://compulsivwriter6.blogspot.com/2003/08/ive-never-heard-of-punchyyoure-just.html

Onward through the fog...

Katie: Kels, don't let me eat anything else tonight.
Kels: What are you eating now? (she turns around) Oh, a breadstick.
Katie: Yeah, and then I'm going to brush my teeth and then you're not supposed to let me eat anything else.
An hour later...
Katie: You're a bad sister.
Kels: What?
Katie: You weren't watching me closely enough...I ate another breadstick.
Kels: Well, you were just too quick. I took the cooking oil upstairs to the bathroom (don't ask...it's not as weird as it sounds) and when I got back you were like done w/ it.
Kels: I can't believe you just nodded your head the whole time you typed that. (on IM)
Katie: What?
Kels: You were nodding, like this (demonstrates nodding in agreement)
Katie: Well I agreed w/ what I was writing.
Kels: You were like that counselor you had in sixth grade (another long story).
Kels: Did you steal my phone?
Katie: What? No. (suddenly Kels comes up behind me and is trying to feel in my pockets)...hey! knock it off, what're you doing?
Kels: Oh wait, it's here in my left pocket...it's usually in the right one.
Okay, that wasn't as funny as it was in real life...like she checks my pockets before all of hers...anyway, and then I won the lottery.
More hilarity insued, but now our friends are here and we're off to roll around on the floor laughing w/ them!


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