I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ecology again

Music of the Moment: I love Rock’n’Roll…so put another dime in the jukebox, baby

I’m getting sick. That’s a bummer. But I’m leaving for break in a little over 24 hours. So that’s not so bad…I can go home and get taken care of.

Had a great night last night. Went to college library for a couple of hours w/ my roomie and her friend Lisa. I love college library. There’s energy in the air and it’s fun to watch people. Whenever I’m there I remember my first tour of UW when I was a junior in high school and they told us that College Library was voted the #1 non-alcoholic place to “meet your mate” by Rolling Stone Magazine. And I always look like crap when I go there b/c I’m going to study, but it’s fun to watch people watching each other. It’s like people go there to tap into that energy that comes from being aware of ppl of the opposite sex—and they use that energy to study. Interesting concept, but relatively effective I think.

The monotony of human contact. What makes us do the whole “Hi. How are you? How was your weekend? Gee whiz, this weather… How’re your classes? What’s your major?” thing? I mean, on some level that’s all interesting info if you are just meeting someone, but w/ ppl you know? Or even the second or third time you talk to ppl? What you’re really saying is “this is a nice safe thing we can talk about w/o having to think very hard while I watch you and read what you’re not saying.” Strange. I mean, you know who your real friends are b/c they’re the ones that you have conversations like “Have you ever been to that sketchy “grocery” store on State Street? So…what happened w/ that guy? What do you think about that Supreme Court ruling on the Juvenile Death Penalty? Do you want to go…? Your taste in music sucks (Matt). Cowboys and stairs, need I say more?” Whether there’s any kind of point to your conversation, there’s some sort of depth—it goes beyond the perfunctory. Are those basic boring questions all just a part of building up a history so that you can build deeper relationships based on that? No clue. Actually, I just lost my train of thought. Bottom line: I’m going to do an experiment and try to avoid asking ppl the mundane questions. If I talk about the weather, hit me. Or maybe don’t hit me…make fun of me or something.

100 things I want to do: (in no particular order) (I won’t say before I die b/c…does that have anything to do w/ it? Am I going to wake up some day when I’m sixty and realize I need to get to work on this stuff? No…it’s stuff to do now.)

Fall in love

Get married

Have kids

Write a book

Write a song


Be an extra in a film

Have an office w/ a bid desk and leather chair

Ride an elephant

Serve on a jury

Randomly ask someone out

Do something huge even if I might fail

Drive a convertible w/ the top down…and the music blaring…and sing at the top of my lungs…country music

Give a speech to huge audience

Learn to snowboard

Learn to bartend

Learn to play poker like a pro

See the running of the bulls in Pamplona

Visit New York

Study abroad

Run a marathon

Dye my hair

Visit India

Visit Germany

Visit Spain

Visit France

Visit England

Graduate from college

Own my own house

Go on a road trip

Write a really profound quote

Read all the books on my list

See all the movies on my list

Have tons of ppl to send Xmas cards to when I’m “all grown up”

Dance in the rain

Learn to square/line dance

Get my heart broken

Blow off class on a spring day to hang out w/ a guy

Play broomball

Swim in the Atlantic Ocean

Swim in the Pacific Ocean

Spend at least a week in San Diego, CA

Visit Mexico on vacation

Do mission work in a country I’ve never been to before

Learn to ride horses like a pro

Be able to do 15 pull ups

Go to a big multiple-day country music festival

Be someone’s rock

Do the Polar Bear Plunge

Learn to swing dance

Swing dance w/ an outrageously attractive guy

Have my children baptized

Ride a motorcycle (black leather optional)

Get a “real job”

Sleep outside under the stars

Learn to listen

Donate blood (a personal phobia of mine)

Have my foot pop

Get good at this whole “keeping-in-touch” thing

Stay in a hostel

Meet a real-live cowboy

There’s more, but I can’t think them at the moment…


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