I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Attributed to Adrienne Cook

Bus blog to come tomorrow or whenever I get somewhere that has wireless--I wrote one and then realized that I can't use the internet at my house for a variety of boring reasons.

So anyway...some random thoughts at this not-so-late-hour...

1) Scary movies rock my world. Yeah, so I just watched part of Signs by myself in my dark basement w/ a blanket wrapped around me. For those of you who don't know me that well, I love scary movies. I'm not particularly scared of them for real (I'm not scared afterwards), but I like to buy into it while I'm watching them. It's a thrill. I realized tonight that it (watching scary movies) is not as fun by yourself as it is in groups. And it's not as good in groups as it is w/ just one other person. And it's not as good w/one of your girl friends as it is w/ a guy (friend or more--frankly, when you're scared out of your mind you're just using him for his Y chromosome). That said, I'm excited for The Ring Two to come out (tomorrow, I guess). I'm not seeing it over break so I'll have to find someone to go w/ after break. Or maybe a group. Groups are a little less fun b/c there's safety in groups. If there's just two of you, theoretically "it" could get one of you and then the other one is in big trouble.

2) In the process of NOT overanalyzing anything, I thought of something (oh wipe that look of your face Dustin Schwobe). I won't go into the details of my theory/musings, but I realized once again how screwed up we humans are. Look at how much thought we put into our actions sometimes. Not heroic actions or productive actions, but actions we perform to look cool/attractive to the opposite sex. Think about it. There are a million fine lines we're always aware of (some of us less than others--to their detriment) that we're trying not to cross. We want to look interested without seeming too interested, mysterious w/o seeming cold, fun w/o seeminlyg slutty, confident w/o seeming forced, agressive w/o seeming over-eager, etc. The list goes on. You know when someone does something and you think--"Gee, that's unfortunate." Or, at least girls, you all know that guy friend who just tries too hard--he seems desperate. What the heck does that actually mean? I mean, how screwed up is it that we're evaluating the market value of the ppl we think about dating and deciding whether or not we like them based on whether or not other people would. Does that mean everyone's value to the opposite sex is relative to the value of those around them and changing w/ trends/changes in overall market value? That's a little degrading to both sides, don't you think? Anyway...don't know if that made sense. Darn, it was supposed to be short and now I see that it's long. Oh well, that's what you get for reading this...what are the words I'm looking for?...self-righteous drivel? No that couldn't be right, could it? Lol.

3) Ya'll should listen to the song "Nothin' But Cowboy Boots" by Blue Clounty. If that doesn't sound interesting, let me be more explicit...nothin' as in wearing nothing...yeah, good song.

4) Blog-reading unwritten rules. I'm writing them down. Rule 1: Unless you're going to commiserate/offer advice, you don't bring up the embarassing stuff. If you're Leah and you're like..."so this guy...", that rocks. If you're Random-Gun-Named-Bob and you're like..."hehe, I read about this guy...hehe", you suck. Rule 2: If Ben Stern, David McHugh, and Dustin Schwobe read my blog together they're not supposed to tell me that! It's embarassing. Rule 3: Did you seriously think there were rules? You're an idiot--I don't care who reads this. Like I'd put anything on here that I didn't know ppl were going to read anyway! (But the image of those three guys reading this together is hillarious...it's so something a group of girls would do together--like read Cosmo or paint nails or something...sorry, funny image...I digress).

5) I'm definitely falling into the Wisconsin accent thing. I keep saying WisCONsin instead of Wisconsin. And I want to add "eh?" to the end of everything. Like my cool roomie.

6) Last thoughts about boys (At least on here) before Spring Break...then no boys for Spring Break except my cute brothers who I love to death. First--I met a cool guy at church the other day (did I already mention this?). Well Sunday I sat next to him and the pastor's (or someone elses' I wasn't sure) little girl (maybe 3 years old) was sitting on his lap for the service. And he was being really cute w/ her. And it was really sexy. In church. But in a good way, you know. Like, in a few years, I would love to find a guy like that. But I think he's too old for me at the moment. But I'll see him again at church after break. Who knows? Second--So this guy I asked out...again, a big question mark. We have no plans. Theoretically, he knows I'm interested in hanging out/doing something so he'll say something if he wants to. But...I'm pretty sure I screwed that whole thing up. I thought--he's cool, I'll ask him to do something randomly on Friday/Saturday. But it ended up sounding, I think, like "let's go on a formal date at a formal time b/c I am formally interested in you only as more than friends. " Really not my intent at all. So...yeah, screwed that up. Hey, give me a break, I don't go around asking guys out. We talked a little on IM since then, but it's mostly just the weather/classes/whatever bullshit (see previous post about bullshit conversations). I don't talk to him all the time b/c I don't want ot annoy him if he doesn't want to talk, but that's counter-productive b/c then when I do talk to him I think he might not want to talk to me (he has never said hi to me w/o me saying hi first) so I end up sticking to the safe BORING bullshit topics. Oh well. That's a bummer. Life suck and then you die. Third--Ran into a guy I know from back in the day--and he looked good. Sort of reformed-nerd hip. Like "I'm making an effort, but I know I'm just to smart to ever look like a Calvin Klein model." Cute. Anyway, he was hitting on me. But I don't think I can get past how well I know him. I mean, all of a sudden I'm aware of him as a cute guy, but I'm pretty sure I'm not attracted to his personality. So he gets marked out. (See...guys do get marked out for personality even when they're cute--not as shallow as I sound sometimes). Fourth--thank goodness there isn't a fourth.

7) Exercising over break. I'm going to miss the NAT and the stairs by Ingram. Not sure what I'm going to do over break. May be a moot point b/c I feel like death warmed over at the moment. I had all these great plans about walking to Target (relatively far walk) to get the Restless heart CD tomorrow, but we're supposed to get lots of snow. Could be a problem. Hmm...maybe I'll put in my miles at the mall (I need to hit GAP and Ragstock or some other thrift place...I'd prefer goodwill, but driving there in the snow could be a problem...need some more random T-shifts for cheap). Okay, taking into account that we're now on number 7, I'll relent and shut up.

Good night all...have a good break if I don't see you...or if I do...probably won't be posting as frequently over break...unless I get really bored...which is a real possibility...anyway good night again, eh? (inappropriate use of the Wisconsin "eh" I believe, but I felt like throwing one in there) Katie


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