I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Friday, July 02, 2004

Cowboy, baby...Ridin' at night, 'cause we sleep all day...Cowboy, baby

Well, I'm exhausted but I'm finally back home where I can curl up and hibernate (sp?) for about two days. Mexico was rewarding and fun but draining...I never realized how disorienting it is when you get out of the habit of knowing what time it is and what day it is b/c someone is always telling you where to be and you're always in a big group...I got back home and I couldn't figure out what day it was. My system is all thown off b/c of stress and that whole time change thing and it's rather bizarre.

Madison was...exciting and stressful...I can't wait to go, though. Met the cutest guy and we kind of hung out a little...he's staying in my dorm, also a Business major, looks like that guy from Bring It On, is from Wisconsin, is kinda shyly cute, and signed up for the roundtable time I took so we'd know each other already. Anyway, I won't let myself get worked up over some guy.

My fall schedule of classes is:
Principles of Biological Anthropology (can I get an Amen for science classes that don't involve labs?!)
Critical Thinking and Expression (yeah! writing essays about why I'm right!)
Criminal Justice in America (thinking about getting a minor in Criminal Justice)
Third Semester Spanish (with a business emphasis)
Principles of Officership (my one credit filler coarse that makes me smile just thinking about it!)

I'm psyched b/c I got my AP scores and overall I'm going into college w/:
5 cr. Math 221 (Calc 1)
5 cr. Math 222 (Calc 2)
6 cr. Hirosty 119/120
3 cr. literature elementary electives
3 cr. political science electives
4 cr. Political Science 106
6 cr. History 101 and 102
3 cr. social sciences electives

Oh yeah, and 4 credits of Spanish from my placement test at Madison and 8 retroactive spanish credits if I get a B at least in my Spanish class.

Oh yeah, that makes me a sophomore!

Later all, Katie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s 11:00 in the morning and your energy is waning. Minutes seem to tick by like hours and your mind feels foggy. You’ve still got six more hours to look alert and act productive and get over anxiety panic attack, so how do you cope with the afternoon blahs? Follow these six tips!

1. If you have a job that involves sitting at a desk all day or staring at a computer screen, take five minutes to stand up or lean back, close your eyes and stretch, especially in your shoulder and leg areas. Being seated all the time can make your whole body feel stiff and sleepy. A good stretch session helps limber up your body and gets the blood flowing again.

2. Avoid the tempting lure of caffeine or sugar-laden foods such as coffee, tea or chocolate. Caffeine may perk up your energy levels temporarily, but it also has a bad habit of leaving you sluggish after the effect has worn off. Instead, choose whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables to give your body the fuel it really wants! Eating healthier will boost your mood, elevate your alertness, change anxiety panic attack and make you feel better all day long.

3. Along with healthier foods, take a quick 10-15 minute walk during your lunch break. Just a few minutes will give you a burst of energy that refreshes you and makes you feel more alert – while burning off your lunch calories in the process!

4. Sometimes, afternoon slumps can be your body’s way of telling you that it needs something. You may be feeling tired if your blood sugar is low (which happens especially after the effect of those caffeine and high sugar foods has worn off!). Packing a low calorie snack like graham crackers, granola, fruit or vegetable slices can give your body a boost and keep you from feeling hungry in the late afternoon and caving in to the urge to devour the entire contents of the vending machine after work!

5. Drowsiness is often a sign that you’re not getting enough water. Drinking more water throughout the day not only helps keep you awake, but also keeps you from feeling those hunger pangs that inevitably creep up in mid-morning. Taking a large sports bottle that you can drink from throughout the day is a great way to get your recommended eight glasses a day as well!

6. If afternoon fatigue is a recurring problem, it may be a side effect of medications you are taking. Allergy pills are well known culprits, as are some blood pressure and anxiety/depression medicines. Don’t try to circumvent these effects with caffeine, otherwise you’ll overload your body with stimulants while it’s already trying to deal with drowsiness, and you’ll feel mentally and physically exhausted. Instead, try a short 15-20 minute catnap. You’ll be surprised how refresh you’ll feel when you wake up! (Don’t try this at work though – I know it’s tempting!)

If you follow these tips on a regular basis, you’ll not only make it through the afternoon blahs, but you’ll also feel better physically and mentally, sleep better at night, and wake up rejuvenated and re-energized the next morning. Make it a GREAT day! anxiety panic attack

6:49 PM


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