Bubble Baths
So yeah, I stayed home from school today b/c I have zero energy. I was having a terrible day, although I did get a ton of hmwk done before one, but at like 1:30 I suddenly just like ran out of energy. Seriously, it was bizarre. So I decided to take a bubble bath in my parents big jacuzzi tub. You know how bubble bath junk doesn't really get that bubbley usually? Well, I always put tons in b/c it doesn't do much. Then I threw this fizz aromatherapy thing in b/c I had it sitting around my room. Then I got in and there weren't very many bubbles, but then I turned on the jets and it started to get so bubbley I had to turn them off b/c it was going to overflow the tub. Seriously guys there was like a foot of bubbles. It was really cool. So I'm sitting here in my really cool bubble bath and that's when it his me. Bubble baths aren't all they're cracked up to be. They're actually...rather...boring. So then I got out and it's such a hassle b/c you have to get in the shower to rinse all the bubbles off of you, spend forever trying to get all the bubbles washout out of the tub, put everything back the way it was, etc. Definitely too much work for a boring bubble bath. Just thought I'd write that so I don't forget next time I think "hmm, a bubble bath would be so great right now." Oh yeah, and now I can't get this stupid aromatherapy cheap perfume smell off my skin! Gross!
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