Talking w/o Saying ANYTHING
What is w/ ppl and relationships? I mean, we spend more time thinking about trying to form relationships than we do forming them. And the whole text messaging/IMing/blogging thing is great but it isn't a replacement for talkig w/ someone. And not in a big group. I want to talk to people face to face. One on one. I feel bad for not inviting everyone to everything b/c I feel bad when ppl go do stuff w/o me all the time, but you really have to. Like Sina and I went to the mall the other day and it was fun. I mean, we weren't really doing anything, but we had a good time just being together and I think we got to know each other ten times more in that period of time one on one than if we'd been in a large group for ten times that length of time.
I mean, there are tons of examples--you really can't get to know someone in a meaning full relationship (i'm not talking only romantic relationship, friends too) w/o spending time w/ them one on one. Everyone in a group takes on a role and ppl tend not to deviate too much from that, but they're only showing one little facet of their personality so you never get to know the real person unless you actually talk to them one on one. Ex. My friend, we'll call him John (as in Doe), is funny. He's fun to be w/. But there's more to him than that. I know there is. But I don't know what that is b/c I never see him w/o thirty other ppl. Ex.2. My other friend, we'll call her Jane (as guessed it...Doe, lol), is always the popular, flirty, blond. I think there's more to her, but we don't spend time together so I'm not sure. And she's the one who it's dangerous to hang out w/ b/c if I'm wrong and she's just so...vapid...then she'll just screw w/ me.
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