Life Again
I feel...sedate. What a boring word that is. I'm sure this'll change soon, but for now I just feel really really settled. I'm taking care of school w/o any crisis. I'm taking care of Mock Trial the same way (aided by the fact that I have no real part, which is a double-edged sword). I love my friends. I think things are sort of shifting around in that sector, but we'll just have to wait and see. Work is fine. Life in general should and sort of is fine, but I feel like it's the calm before the storm.
This blog is going to run all over the place b/c I'm not feeling focusing on any one thing very much right now.
I just read Kyle's testimony and was amazed. What I'm about to say is going to sound like I'm not giving him enough credit, but that isn't true at all. I love Kyle. (Just to clarify that for all of you are going "WHAT?!"--I love Kyle...this is different from being IN love WITH Kyle). Anyway, I love Kyle. I love how easygoing he is and how easy it is to be around him. I love that he's funny and he makes peolple feel good about themselves. But I don't think that's who he is. I mean, I think it's part of who he is, but I think there's definitely another Kyle that I for one do not really know. When I read his testimony I was blown away. Not b/c it's so out of the ordinary as far as how he became/was raised as a Christian but b/c there was a depth that shone through it that surprised me. Then I got to the end and how he is changing his life and the lives of others by deciding to live for his faith. Wow. See, I don't think that Kyle is incapable of that kind of depth. On the contrary I think he's one of the good guys and it's not that I can't see him thinking like that, but that I don't see him as the type who takes the time out to think like that. Anyway, I'm just saying that if reading that left this much of an impact on me, I can't imagine how it must effect others. Read Kyle's testimony (I hope he doesn't care that I put this address here!) at I'm sure there's a more direct address for that but I don't want to take the time to figure it out.
Anyway, I just got distracted and forgot what else I was going to talk about so I guess I'll say bye. I have to be at church in a while anyway. Love ya'll.
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