I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Monday, September 01, 2003

Paint Fumes...mmmm

Okay, I may or may not finish this post because my computer is in its final death throes. The upside being that we're going to call the Geek Squad tomorrow and I've always wanted to do that.

Country is definitely the music to paint to. Kels and I painted for over ten hours today. We were painting the hallway btwn our rooms and this wall opposite our bathroom at the end of the hall. One wall of the hallway has big rainbow stipes down it and then a portrait of Kels w/ a soccer ball and me painting. Another is splatter painted (Sarah ~ we wanted to do balloons and darts, but my mom vetoed that idea. So, of course, when she left we hung drop cloths on everything, including the ceiling, broke out the clear plastic forks, opened up all the colors of the rainbow paints that we'd gotten, and had at it.) Kels got paint in her eye so we put on swimming goggles. By the time the wall was done, we both had paint in our hair, all over the bottoms of our feet, and pretty much everywhere in between. We got a few pictures of that but we should have taken more. Once I have a fully functioning computer, I'll post some pics... Anyway, we also painted the wall across from teh pathroom in a black and white checkerboard and we're going to write quotes in each sqare w/ black and white paint pens...Then we painted this other wall lime green and we're going to have ppl sign it w/ paint pens and trace their handprints. Whew...we hardly even stopped to eat. We drank pop and played music really loud and every once in a while ran out and laid on the back lawn when we felt like we might be getting high (yeah, so now you know the real reason we wanted to paint the hallway, lol...Sarah we have way too many inside druggie jokes...what would every1 think if they knew all of them...I think I'm going to start a list. I love your lists btw)

Tomorrow is the first day of school...and I'm a dork so I'm excited. But not really. It's just like any other day, but a little more interesting hopefully because I find out about my classes and see a lot of friends that I haven't seen all summer.

I had a very strange day Sunday. First I went to church and that was all weird because Paul wasn't there. But more weird because it was less weird w/o Paul there than I thought it would be. I sat btwn Kyle and my sister during church and Kels and I shouldn't be allowed to sit next to one another because we're way way way too loud. Afterwards, I hung around and talked to Brett, Kyle, Sina, and Mikkena (sp?)...I got Kyle to say he'd come to Youth Alpha and I hope he does because he's really funny. I can't figure out if he's shy or not...it's a very unique kind of shyness, is what I've settled on. Anyway, then Kels and I had to clean and all this junk because school starts tomorrow, but we got sidetracked when we thought up the whole hallway project and so now tomorrow will be the first time that I didn't have the first day of school all set up like some grand new beginning. Usually, I clean my room and organize absolutely everything and plan what I'm going to wear and all that out before hand, but right now my room is semi-messy...I got rid of some furniture and some new stuff I bought to replace it is still in a box on my floor, I'm obviously going to wear my senior shirt tomorrow, but other than that I haven't even packed a bookbag or decided what to take yet. Very unusal for me.

I was very embarassed when I talked to Sarah yesterday and realized that the combination of Paul being surprisingly perceptive for a guy, me being surprisingly obvious even for a girl, and myriad other random facts of the universe have somehow led Paul to the misguided notion that he should feel bad about my completely self-induced mental/emotional state. Yes, so I'm all about starting the new school year, or not even that, the new day...each new day...fresh and w/o all the baggage we so often carry around that we don't have to. So here is the deal. I just wanted to get those facts out there. I met Paul through church and I think, "man, he's a nice guy" then I see Paul all year through church and YA and I think, "man, he's a nice guy, he's intelligent, and I like hanging out w/ him...he's cool to have as a friend" then Jake, Paul and I start this little small group and I think "man, Paul's a great friend, but he's pretty cute too"...okay, pause here...a point of clarification...at this point Paul had just joined a list of several guys who fit the "he's a great friend, but he's pretty cute too" description...okay, I'll continue...then, I think sometime shortly before Sonshine, but I really can't remember, I think "wow, Paul is this really cute guy that I love spending time with because he makes the ppl around him feel good about themselves and he's really funny and fun to be with...and he has dimples" then I transition into thinking "man, I love Sundays because I get to hang out w/ Pau and he's so great" and I don't think about whe he is leaving because I don't want to, but then I get to the two or three days before he leaves and I start to hate it because I know that he's an amazing person and it was going to suck to lose having him in my life. I was never like, "man, I wish Paul would ask me out or something" stage because, frnakly, I'm not his type I don't think and I knew pretty much right off that he didn't see me that way...so it was never like some kind of unrequited love, sobbing at night, pining away for him, type of thing...I just loved having him in my life while he was and I hated it when he left...it was a weak moment for me and I got a little melodramatic on my blog...I tend to work my way into emotions...take this post for example, it just keeps building on itself and I can't seem to stop it. Okay...those are the facts. I'm not heartbroken, I'm missing my friend. I'm not sure how to explain the feeling I had for him...I've stopped calling it love because it morphed back into friendship too easily for that...I'd say infatuated but that sounds so adolescent...can't explain it, and it's okay not to be able to explain everything in life so I'll quit while I'm ahead. That is what happened. The facts. It seems like everyone knew them already, but this way everyone is painfully clear and we can move on from this point. Paul, I will have to do you severe bodily harm if you start freaking out whenever I talk to you or pull any of those stupid stunts that I know you won't pull, but just in case you were contemplating it...be forewarned. I sincerely hope you already knew that you were this guy. I sincerely hope you didn't know on Tuesday night while I was talking to you, but you definitley have to tell me whether you did or not. Now that I am done thoroughly embarassing myself, I think it's time to call it a night.


"I happen to feel that the degree of a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic."
Lisa Alther, Kinflicks, 1975

"There isn’t much better in this life than finding a way to spend a few hours in conversation with people you respect and love. You have to carve this time out of your life because you aren’t really living without it."
Anonymous, RealLivePreacher.com Weblog, August 27, 2003

For Sarah~ "When someone allows you to bear his burdens, you have found deep friendship."
Anonymous, RealLivePreacher.com Weblog, January 4, 2003 ~ Thank you for bearing mine with the grace and poise of a pro. But then, we've always been there for one another...I can truly say, you are my truest friend and closest to my heart...you'll always have a place there...thank you.

A little note for all of use going back to classes tomorrow ~ "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
Dale Carnegie
"Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love."
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Northanger Abbey


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