I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Sunday, August 31, 2003

The State Fair

Yeah, so on Wednesday, Jen and I went to the State Fair and it totally rocked. We spent five hours there and all we did was get free stuff (we totally owned the Department of Public Safety, which is the place to get free stuff...t-shirts, key chains, colored yardsticks, ice scrapers...very cool...I love my wacky t-shirt I got there and it's my new official night shirt...anyway), eat fried-stuff-on-a-stick, go to the Return of the Mummies haunted house, get airbrushed tattoos, and walk around. We talked about guys pretty much the whole time and it was really really great. Anyway, I'm feeling much better guy-wise. Yeah, so then my family and I went back to the fair Friday afternoon and I got a henna tattoo, which totally is awesome and I'll post a picture of later when my computer isn't totally fried.

Just so you all know, my computer is in a downward spiral on it's way to crashing and yesterday we officially lost our internet access (I'm at Dunn Bros. right now) so I'll be posting on a more spiradic (sp?) basis than in the past...at least until my dad gets his act together and either gets someone to come clean up our harddrive or gets a new computer...sigh...argh.

My epiphany of yesterday...my family is the movie theater hicks. We're the ones who talk too loud, laugh too loud, jump over seats and railings to get out, get up too many times during the movie, but still sit in the middle of the row, sing along to the country music they play before the movie, shout the answers to the movie facts, argue about who gets to sit in which seat, and do all the other reprehensible things that ppl hate it when ppl do in the movies...an embarassing realization to come to, but you only get one family and I love mine...alas.

Also, yesterday we spent four or five hours at Archiver's in the mall, scrapbooking. It was interesting because I was doing a page w/ these two guys that I used to have crushes on when I lived in IL, and I was looking at their pictures and feeling like it was a really good thing that I was doing thiss because this is how I'm going to see my guy who just left in a few years...like this great friend who I remember with a little tug in my chest, but mainly good memories.

All for now, Katie

"Live to the point of tears"

Btw, Sarah, if you want to talk to me, you should just call because internet is pretty much dead for a few days...I can still get on IM, but you and I are never on at the same time. Same goes for the rest of you...call or snail mail unless I see you online a lot. Love ya'll


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