I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Sunday, September 26, 2004

You Make Me Wanna Lala

Yeah, Ashley Simpson I know, but I don't seem to help it.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.

Points of interest:
--I had my first beer at a party last Friday night. Well, two halves of a beer actually so I guess that makes a whole. It was different than I thought it would be. I didn't get tipsy or anything while I was there...we didn't stay that long...it was more of an experiment...but I could feel it when we were walking home because it loosened up my tongue a little...we talked about things we wouldn't normally discuss necessarily...overall, it was a bonding experience. It was Leah, Emily and I and Emily and I never drank before and Leah only once or twice and only a little. I thought we were rather smart about the whole thing. We went to a frat party, but it was the Chemical Engineering frat, not some social frat...it was pretty tame. We stayed together, got free cups, drank half a glass and then another half after we decided how we felt. I'd already said I was just going to have one so I was surprised by how you think about getting more when it doesn't really do anything to you. I can see how you would lose it and not know when to stop. In other news, I was definitely feeling slightly ill while I was drinking it because it was so gross. I don't know, I think it was a mental thing...I could picture what it would do to my body or my insides or soemthing and I just had this vaguely wrong feeling in it, but not liek I was doing something wrong jsut that it might not turn out the way I had hoped. We danced a while, ran into some of Leah's friends from home, danced with them for a while, then left after about an hour and walked home together...that was the best part...then we got here and watched a movie for awhile, but around 2:30 Sam called me because he'd lost Sarah at the party they had gone to. She'd gone off with some guy and when he went to check on her she told him she didn't need him to rescue her, but she wasn't holding her liquer all that well. He tried to find her a little later and hse was gone. He looked but he couldn't find her and he eventually came back here to Bradley to see if she got in safe. They'd promised each other to be home by 3:00 in case they did get seperated, but she wasn't in by 3 and he had to be up at 7:30 to leave for home. We tried calling her cell about amillion times but she didn't answer. Sam was really worried. It was sweet. She did get in eventually, we found out the next morning.

In other news, I realized that I miss Kels a ton. No one else will get up w/ me early int he mornig and do cool stuff. They all want to sleep in really late...losers.

In other news, also, there's a small group that meets in Bradley and isn't Catholic...they're Blackhawk ppl and there's a real awesome guy who invited me to it. I'm definitley going to check it out!

Well, off to brunch with people...talk to you all later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't Katie I knew that u would drink but I am still kind of I hate to say it but disapionted that u did. but what ever atlest u were smart about and just don't make it an every weekend thing I miss u to maybe if we actually talked u wouldn't miss me so much I mean i have talked to u once cents ( Iknow it is the wronge cents but I can't figure out how to spell the right one)you left and thats not alot so I don't know I will talk to u later about wahts been going on
I love you Bunches

10:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kt I love you and I really miss talking to u so maybe I will email u or something but I can't wait till u come home for Alexeys b-day and ya so I will just email u cause I am felling bitter about things here so exspect an email tomarrow some thime

10:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes knowing what God calls us to is the hardest thing ever because we know the moment we let Him down. Seek out His heart for you or conform to this world. As long as you pretend to walk that line you are trapped in the grasp and clutches of satan. I pray that you'll run after Christ because you know that you should.

11:17 PM

Blogger Chris Ness said...

I say, if you don't experiment with alcohol, you'll never know what it can do.
I know it sucks to hear about friends trying beer, liquor, etc. My advice: Go to a friends apartment (not a school-owned one), and have them let you try stuff. It's safe (you won't get caught as long as you're quiet, and you don't have to drive or go home, you can crash there) and you'll know what it feels like, what you can take, what you can't, and most importantly, what it does to your reaction time, coordination, etc.
Don't be scared of alcohol, it's only bad in retarded excess. Being scared of it will only create worse situations. Respect it, but don't fear it.

11:14 PM


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