I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

First Real College Post

Hey All,

Of course, many of you could have guessed that my first college post would be about boys. Oh well, that's my life...it's tough. No, I just have this great story that I think is so college.

I have this Criminal Justice honors section/discussion once a week from 4 to 6 pm on Mondays. There's a ton of reading and then there's fifteen of us w/ a prof. who usually teaches this course to 250+ students. Anyway, we pulled our desks all into a circle, including the prof. and we're running the class discussion style but w/ the prof. grilling people and throwing out questions and making sure everyone contributes. Well, the first person he calls on is this guy names Jesse (isn't that great, I love that name!) right across the room from me. He's got this whole freckled, red-headed, Wisconsinite thing going on but in a really cute way. He answers the question and then sort of looks across at me like "Did that make any sense at all?" I, of course, send him a "Yeah, that was fine, we're all glad it was you first and not us" smile back. And that started it. We were playing eye footsie the rest of the hour.

Okay, so this lecture was supposed to get out at 6 and I had a roundtable dinner meeting starting at 6 back over by Bradley (my dorm, which was like twenty minutes walk away from the Humanities building where I have this class). I'd ridden my bike and locked it up at the Union so I could get back faster and not miss so much of the dinner. We had a break after the first hour of lecture and Jesse and I talked for a minute and I found out he lives in Kronsage (the dorm right next to mine). That was a bummer b/c it would be so great to be able to walk back w/ him but I had to ride b/c of hte dinner.

But wait! Class got out thirty minutes early because it was our first day of this class and there wasn't a whole lot we could cover b/c some ppl didn't get thier books early enough or whatever. So Jesse starts to leave and I finish packing my books and go out into the hallway and he sees me and waits for me and we walked back together. And he seemed really cool. And he's taller thna me, by just enough that you feel sort of...I don't know....taller guys just make you feel more like a girl sometimes. Anyway, he was so nice and cool. Oh, and my bike is still locked up over at Memorial Union.

Now on to the college part. I love being in college b/c you can meet people and not have to define your relationship right away. It's so nice. I mean, Jesse's like the fifth guy I've met that I had that thought "oh, that could be nice" but at the same time didn't feel any pressure to act like I need to get a guy. That doesn't explain it very well...I just like being able to slowly find out if someone is going to be my friend or more. And I'm really not focusing on boys right now, but rahter on staying ahead in my work. Of course, boys are great...they add flavor to life and I adore them but you'd be surprised by how un-boycrazy I've been so far.

Anyway, I had to vent that this morning. Talk to you all later.


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