I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Sunday, February 01, 2004


How is it that when you're talking w/ different people you feel a varying degree of need to carry the conversation? It's like there are people that I enjoy talking to b/c the conversation just flows along and I don't feel pressured to talk if there's silence and all that. Then there are other people that, though I love them to death, it's hard to talk to. You feel like you have to carry the conversation b/c they're so focused on you and what you think, say, or do. I think that being w/ people who are secure in who they are and who they are to you is so much easier b/c you're never afraid taht when someone stops talking it's b/c there's nothing left for you to have in common or to discuss but b/c they may just be thinking. And that's fine. And sometimes you don't feel like going to hang out w/ the people taht it's hard to talk to b/c you have to carry the entire conversation and if you really wanted to just talk to yourself there's always a mirror handy. That came out harsh, but you know what I mean. Anyway, that was a random thought. - Katie


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