I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Saturday, January 24, 2004

The Future Looks...Changeable

Wow...my mother just told me that I'll never be able to finish or publish the novel I'm working on b/c "following through with things" isn't my strong suit. That hurt. I mean, not really hurt, but it bothers me b/c I know she is right. I'll probably never finish the novel I'm working on b/c it always just feels like there's more time. And too much to do w/ the time that's right now. Well, today is Saturday and I have no plans. Not one thing scheduled w/ friends or family and I'm seriously contemplating locking myself here in the computer room (w/ my cowboy hat on of course) and working on my novel all day. B/c it's something worth fighting for. I don't know if I have the talent. I don't know if I'd be sucessful as a writer, but I sure as heck know that I'll regret if I just don't try hard enough. If I just don't make the time. I mean, I think I'd be happy being a lawyer or an accountant or something structured like that, but who would rather do that than write all day? I can't imagine it. So, here goes w/ my novel. Wish me luck.

" A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it."

" They who know how to employ opportunities will often find that they can create them; and what we can achieve depends less on the amount of time we possess than on the use we make of our time."

" Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it means pushing back a boundary-line and adding to one's liberty."

" Failure is the result of poor thinking and poor choices. The only things that can truly stop you from success are your own thoughts and emotions."

" Any path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you. . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone one question: Does this path have a heart? If the path does, it is good. If not, it is of no use."

" Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."

" Never let anyone dictate the places you can go or the things you can do because of a previous association. Learn to deal with the fear of uncomfortable situations. Once people learn that you will continue to live your life, instead of live in fear of a moment, that is when you become human."


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