I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Here there and around the corner

Okay...Who just drifted through her first quarter of her senior year, blew off her finals and still came out w/ straight As? Oh, wait, that'd be me! Talk about grade inflation! Anyway, right now I'm printing color tests for our youth group...the insanity is spreading!

Schools fine. Church is fine. Mock Trial isn't fine, but I'm going w/ the denial method of handling crisis as far as that is concerned. You know, dodge people who ask me about it and let Andy find a coach. Sorry Andy. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to let my senior year be all about Mock Trial and if things look like they're going to work out, that's great, but if they don't I won't be crushed. I'm being a "fair-weather" captain, which isn't at all in my nature, but feels very good right now. Boys are...well, I seem to be going into this sort of repetitious faze(sp?) where I'm getting infatuated w/ one or another of my many cute guy friends, but only for a week or so. Don't know what's up w/ that, but I'm just trying not to make any rash decisions that I'll regret later. That came out sounding dire, but it's really, really not. I just don't want to 1) make a fool of myself or 2) start going out w/ some guy and wake up in a week and realize that I really don't like him at all.

The whole Russian adoption thing is progressing nicely (I hope). All my classes are good, so that I should be able to miss the up to three weeks of school required to make such a fun trip, except that I might have to drop photography if worst comes worst. I'm excited for Alexey to get here and I think it'll be a really cool experience.

In other news, I get to decided where the family is going on our summer vacation (sort of like a senior trip for me). It can be anywhere. At first I was thinking we'd go back to the Lane Guest Ranch, whcih is out West and tons of fun...you know, horseback riding, rugged hikes, cowboys, country music, swimming, photograph opportunities, and hammocks to read in. My other prominent option was a cruise, but I don't think I really want to do that. I also don't want to go somewhere that'll cost my parents like 10 grand or anything. I'm thinking of different cities that we could visit that would be cool that time of year. Of course, Nashville, TN would be cool anytime, but I don't know what else you could do there besides see lots of cowboys, get a black cowboy hat, listen to country music and order sweet tea at restaurants...remind me again why I don't already live there? Anyway, travel suggestions are, of course, welcome.

I can't wait for my Sophomore year of college, when I'm planning on doing a semester abroad in Europe...tentatively in England, but that's always subject to revision.

That's all for now...more later and all that...oh, wait, I have a bad blonde joke. Ready? Why don't blondes talk during sex? (see I told you this was bad, lol) Because their mothers taught them not to talk to strangers. I don't know where I heard that, but it's utterly dispicable!

Lol, Later all, Katie


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