I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Sunday, October 05, 2003

And Back To Reality

Yeah, so I realize perfection can't last and that we really wouldn't appreciate perfection if there wasn't something else out there to compare it to (namely, real life) but does anyone else find it a little ironic that not three hours after I gushed on my last blog about how perfect life was, I hugely sprained my ankle? Not sprained my ankle like "oh, ouch, that hurts, I should go put an ace bandage on it and limp around for a few days soaking up the sympahty points." Sprained my ankle like, "oh, ouch, I need to go to the ER and spend two hours there getting ex-rays and junk, get a fiberglass splint put on, use crutches for two weeks, eat advil like pez (yeah, I didn't make that expression up, I think I've heard it somewhere before...anyway) and see an orthopedic specialist on Friday to find out how messed up my ankle really is." Yeah, and the stupidest thing is that I hurt it on a trampoline. And the weirder thing is that I was at this part at Sina's house and Kyle and I were talking and I was saying how I wanted to go jump on the trampoline and Kyle was saying how trampolines are evil and you just get hurt on them and I was totally disagreeing w/ him. Fifteen minutes later, Sina, Kels, Kyle and I are on the trampoline and I sprain my ankle. It swelled up pretty badly. I mean, the whole thing was maybe the size of a softball or something like that...I can't really remember. I got to ride around in a wheelchair though and that was fun. The worst part of course is that it was my right ankle and now I can't drive for at least a week and that sort of screws everything all up because I have to depend on friends and parents for rides everywhere. Oh, and that whole kickboxing thing...yeah, not going to be able to do that for at least a month if not more. The bonuses of course are that I don't have to do any chores or get up and answer the phone or get stuff, I can leave classes really early and get to them really late, and...well, I'll think of more later. Still in an amazingly good mood (and it's not drug induced thank you very much, the doctor offered my something stronger than Advil for pain, but I didn't really want anything)

Whew, yeah, so that was my really big thing yesterday.

Love in Christ all, -Katie


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