Hey, know I haven't blogged in forever and I'm planning on doing a long blog tomorrow (well, I guess it'd be today because it's after midnight, but whatever). I just had to say that I GOT INTO MADISON! I just got back from a fun night w/ some friends, I'm preparing to spend 3 weeks in Russia...and I just love where I am at right now in life. That could be the fatigue talking, but I don't know. I'm majorly tired right now. And it's snowing...that kinda sucks, but not enough to bother me at the moment. Oh, and Sarah, I'm finally getting on w/ your Bday present. I had to scrap the project I was going to do because I hated the way it was shaping up but I think you'll like what I'm making instead. It should be done in a week or so and then I'll have it off to you ASAP! Later all, Katie
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