This is my first Ecology post. I have Ecology lectures on MWF and I basically sit here w/ my computer and write emails to ppl and things. It’s extremely boring.
First issue—spring. It’s such a tease here in Wisconsin. I want it to be warm. I want to go lay on Bascom Hill, run outside w/o feeling like my lungs are freezing slowly from the inside out, run around and play volleyball outside, see people smiling and catching the spring fever [getting new clothing, haircuts, boyfriends/girlfriends, and sudden cases of gym-fever].
Second—I’m getting sick. My roomie is dying so now I might too. She’s going home this weekend, though so maybe I’ll survive.
Third--The bluest eyes in Texas, are haunting me tonight…I love Blackhawk. I’d forgotten about them and Restless Heart (who I don’t love as much, but remind me of when I was a kid listening to country). I think I’m going to get myself the Blackhawk’s Greatest Hits CD soon…still not sure how I’m going to do that (maybe go to Border’s? That’d be a fun walk…maybe tomorrow…yeah…anyone want to walk to Border’s w/ me tomorrow? Nearby attractions: Copps, Walgreen, Panera Bread Co., etc….let me know).
Fourth—So…I asked a guy out. Yeah, you’re all shocked, I know. Definitely not my usual style so I’m sort of in unknown territory here. He’s really interesting. Anyway, I asked him to do something this weekend, but he’s busy (he said that wasn’t a “thank-God-I’m-busy”—aka an excuse to say no). Then we went through all the rest of the nights of the week between now and Spring Break (I leave next Thursday afternoon to go home) and none of them worked out. So…we said we could plan something after break. Okay…so that’s a little awkward, right? Well, I think that was mainly my fault—I think I came off sounding like we had to do something big, like a night out w/ dinner and a movie or something… Then we realized neither of us has time for that before break and we said we’d do something after break.
Later, of course, I realized that that’s probably a screwed-up plan. How weird is it to have this amorphous plan hanging over your head for three weeks? Definitely lose any kind of spontaneity, most of the casualness necessary for those awkward first meetings when you’re both trying to figure out if you would rather just be friends or what, and any momentum you might have (we just met on Sunday night…we would never really run into each other, so momentum is a factor, I think).
The solution? No clue. Again, uncharted territory for me here…I don’t ask guys out. I’d rather do something little and random (dinner at Carson’s, coffee on State Street in the middle of the day, cooking something in the Bradley basement, etc.) than wait to do something big a long time from now and have it be really awkward b/c it’s been hanging there forever. But we already said after break…and I don’t want to be stalker girl, like “we have to do something now.” Especially b/c…he said he wasn’t saying no, but who can really be sure? As I’ve learned from Matt and David, guys say absolutely outrageous things in order to be nice. Case in point—Matt tells some girl (Who he doesn’t want to talk to on IM) that he has to run (perfectly acceptable, she might be getting the message), but then adds “but we should totally catch up later and talk.” Excuse me, WHAT? That’s just mean. Anyway, I think we both have slow weeks next week as far as classes/exams/junk, but the nights don’t work. So I would totally ask him to do something random during an afternoon or something, but I’m not sure I will…a combination of being unsure he actually wants to do something and not wanting to seem stalkerish…I would say that I’m going to wait for him to make the next move b/c I made the first one, but who knows if I’ll be able to do that. Frankly, I have no idea what I’m doing…advice from my girls would be appreciated. And my guys too, of course.
So…guy drama ends here. Sorry about that… I just don’t like having it up in the air.
What number are we on? Ah, Fifth—my sudden attack of blogmania. So you’re all wondering what happened to me that suddenly I’m posting nine million times a day when previously I was posting only once every nine million days. You’re thinking—gee, is her haircut really that bad? She can’t leave the room? No…I’m just experiencing a sudden lack of rigor in my classes—no hmwk/studying to do combined w/ everyone else still having class-related stuff to do leaves me w/ lots of time and the cold weather has trapped me inside to some extent. So…that explains that. I’m sure silence will ensue eventually here.
Okay, well class is almost over so I’m going to go. I’ll leave you w/ a quote (surprised, right?)—“Spend less time worrying and more time acting, less time trying to look cool and more time discovering how unique and cool those around you are, more time smiling and crying and less time sitting dumbly in class, more time with friends and less time with your book, and less time looking at your watch and more time looking towards the sky.”
Matthew 6:33, 1 Kings 22:5
Have you saught and exposed your feelings and desires to the Lord your God? Until you do be cautious and weary in the company of men. For lust disguieses itself as desire or momentum. Relationships of this world will fall apart, couples paired by Christ live eternally pleasing to God.
Be not as the pagens.
10:27 PM
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