Bus Post--Only 5 days after the fact or so
Yeah, so I’m on the bus. And I have been. For the last 2.5 hours. And I’m sick. Not a great combination. I love how ppl think they’re going to be all productive on the bus and write essays and read books and take notes and junk. Okay, maybe the whole reading a book thing is feasible, but the rest of it shows an obvious inaccuracy in memory. Anyone who has ever been on a bus hallucinates about how much space they’ll have the next time they’re on one. In case any of you were wondering how much space that is, picture this. Take a refrigerator box. Now cut it into quarters long-ways. That’s how much space you have. Or picture the room you have in a small lecture hall in the Humanities building. Now subtract three inches on both sides. That’s about how much space you have. Suffice to say, it’s not fun. Oh, and they’re showing crappy movies (Harold and Kumar’s Trip to
Okay so I’m listening to this song…and it just struck me that the lyrics are funny.
Do I love you? Yeah, you could say that…
There’s more to it than that, but if you think about it…some girl asks him “Do you love me?” and he’s like “Hmm…yeah…you could say that.” Not exactly an enthusiastic response. “Do you think this carpet it maroon?” “Hmm…yeah…you could say that.”
So excited for being home w/ real stores. I’m definitely buying a Blackhawk and a Restless Heart CD. And lots of veggies at the store while my parents are paying for them. Red peppers are expensive! Sad state of affairs, guys. I like vegetables. Like, really like them. I had raw broccoli the other day and couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t realized it was so good before. I think maybe we’re growing up b/c suddenly I’m eating things like vegetables and grape-nuts cereal and fruit and drinking straight coffee. Crazy.
So I’m thinking about jealously. Not sure if I posted this before (sorry if I did). I know I mentioned it to Ben and some people. So when your girlfriend goes off to the library to study with some guy from her Calc class, you get a little jealous, right? You feel a little threatened. But if you think about it from a statistical perspective, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Okay, think about yourself. Now think about all the members of the opposite sex that you know. Now think of the number of those people that you would ever even think about dating. Now w/in that number think of the number who you’ll probably ever end up dating. Okay, so people your significant other randomly knows aren’t really threats unless you just can’t trust your significant other or they’re/you’re not happy in the relationship you’re already in. There are two exceptions, of course. If the person you’re girlfriend is going to the library with is, say, Matt Damon—yeah, you should be afraid. The other exception is past significant others—if your girlfriend is studying w/ her ex, you’re perfectly justified in feeling a little jealous and insecure—but you’re ultimately just going to have to trust her. So anyway, that’s what I was thinking. Aren’t you glad you just wasted five minutes in my mind?
Also thinking about how subjective things are. I can look out the window of the bus right now and see some of the same things I’d see looking out a window in Colorado, but I’ll think they’re more beautiful, unique, and exotic when I see them this summer b/c I’ll be in the frame of mind of having this grand adventure. I wonder if that works the same way w/ guys. I can meet great guys here in Madison…I wonder if I’d think the same guy was even better if I met him in CO? I bet I would. It’s like meeting people at camp or over Spring Break—they always seem better b/c you’re in a different state of mind. Don’t tell me you can’t think of someone you’ve flirted w/ at camp/on vacation that you wouldn’t spend time w/ at home in a normal setting.
Anyway, I’m going to stop now and try to pass out for the remainder of my unpleasant trip.
ok so it's subjective... or could it be that for whatever reason you view that situation differently because you are not 100% honest with yourself when you aren't at camp or on vacation. Or that we may have a desire to be someone different than we are and when we are able to leave our rutine life that we formed (mostly because we thought it would bring us happiness) we realize everything we wish we were and become that for those couple days and it is more appealing and we are more appealing to other people? Just some thoughts, it would help explain why we hate coming back to school/work.
11:12 AM
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