I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling Or of catching fire I choose to inhabit my days To allow my living to open me Making me less afraid More accessible To loosen my heart So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise I choose to risk my significance. To live so that that which comes to me as seed Goes to the next as blossom And that which comes to me as blossom Goes on as fruit. --Donna Markova

Sunday, May 30, 2004

We shall be free, yeah, yeah

Sarah-Gotta admit that I'm stealing your song-lyrics-as-title style--but didn't someone say that immitation is the highest form of praise or something to that effect? Anyway, I didn't figure you'd mind.

Well, the funniest thing happened the other day. For those of you who've known me for a while, or who have been reading my blog for a while...you know that I was all screwed up when Paul left for school last year and I acted like any respectable sixth grade girl (if you don't read this blog, i'm not a sixth grade girl, lol) with a crush would do and used this left-over-from-McDonald's-fake-boyfriend-character-from-one-of-my-novels to talk about my friends about my "situation" without actually saying "Like, you all know Paul? Well...". That was at the end of august if you want to be really morbid and read those scary entries if you're a newer reader/acquaintance.

Anyway, out of the blue the other day I got this email from reblogger from this comment this guy had left on that blog. This was strange b/c who is reading my blogs from August of last year, right? Well, I open the email and it's like "So, my name is CADE WILLIAMS and I googled my name and your site came up." Well, needless to say I was properly horrified, but after I thought about it for a second it was so absolutely hilarious to me. He was like, yeah, and I do go to school on the east coast, by the way and it...I don't know, it gave me a great feeling of how random, unpredictable, and interconnected life is. How could you ever get bored when you have all of humanity out there to explore? So, I emailed him back and told him thanks for making my day! Because I could and it didn't feel weird even though it should have and I should have been wanting to crawl under a rock right about then.

Finally, there may or may not be many posts in the near future (like the next two/three weeks) b/c...ding, ding, ding, you guessed it...my computer and internet are once again fried...only literally this time...Drew left a cord plugged into the computer that got the microphone ripped of and short circuited and, well, fried the computer. I'm at Dunn Bros. I know, I know, Starbucks will have to forgive me, but who wants to sit around and drink coffee where you work? Gotta say, the Starbucks aura has changed a ton for me--lost the mystery, but oh well. Anyway...Dunn Bros. mango smoothy--yummy.

Talk to you all later and Happy Graduation/Last Week of High School to everyone who that fits. The rest of you--Congrats on surviving another year of college.



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